DiaryOfAHitman- Diary of a Hitman “I Don’t Know Why Folks Make This Shit So Hard, Just Pick A Hit So

A Hit is a Hit

Redd Reggie
GetAtMe Now


Man I hear songs all week. Up and coming producers doing their thing trying to be that next dude. I hear a lot of beats, some good song, a few great songs but very few hits. Why because most producers don’t really like to study hits (you like what you like).

In today environment you have to be able to compete on multiple platforms to be successful. For example the streets (starts a buzz- early innovators) the mixtapes and bloggers kick in (buzz interest is determined- opinion leaders) and the clubs kick in (buzz validation point- early adapters begins) and the radio gets on the song (buzz validation qualification area- early adapters to middle adapter product adoption). I just gave you the link process to creating a buzz. Here’s the most important part. Have a Hit.

We have to many songs coming out every week for average songs to make it. A song has to be great and timely to catch the right market groove. YG’s “My Hitta” has been one of the most tenacious cuts out now. It took close to 8 months for this song to catch a groove but it’s always stayed consistent in its market traction.

Now I know everyone feels they have a hit but a hit son is determined by the market and the market determines that by buying the song, that’s it. A like and a share has very little meaning if you’re not selling. Find that hit song and have your fans on deck and the nature will take its course.

Whitney Houston was great because the labels always gave her great songs,(not a beat done by an interns cousin). So if you’re gonna be in this business, have passion for the great song.

I’m ReggieRedd and This is TheDiaryOfAHitMan



Redd Reggie
GetAtMe Now

Curates GetAtMe, TBOM(#ILikeDatt), The Bottomline, CommonSenseOnComplexIssues and OnTheGo