Liang Yue
Diaspora & Identity
4 min readDec 13, 2016


Gender terrorism

Figure 1 women fighting against gender terrorism
When you come across the term “gender terrorism” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What do you think it is? For many people, gender terrorism is things such as female genital mutilation, wife butchery and other forms of women mistreatment. The killing of women, mistreating house girls, rape by their bosses, and the horror stories that we always hear from women in the Middle East. However, according to feminists woman terrorism is far dangerous than those things that an average person think.
Feminist always stay all night having nightmares of women living in dreams of not owning their bodies and sexuality, and ultimately, lives in the fear that everything that they do will be subjected to public debate. The reason being, their bodies are seen as public property. Getting stories of fallen women hitting the headlines is normal. Whenever a woman breaks from the nightmares of gender disparities and embraces their sexuality, they are often treated as breaking news. The thought that women actions are subjected to public scrutiny instills fear in women. As a result, many young lives are ruined, and more cases of sexual assaults are becoming an everyday meal. Interestingly, the victims do not get the justice they deserve.
Regardless of any political affiliation, one is free from having their bodies owned by the public. These mentality that women are public property has attracted a lot of attention. Members of Congress always debates whether women should have the rights to choose what happens to own bodies. Sadly, we always see women as less valuable beings who are not worth having their opinion. Women should be given the power to choose whether they want to have sex or not, dance or not dance. This freedom to choose will allow them to feel positive about their sexuality.
Do women have a say in abortion decisions? Reproductive justice is one of the main topics on women gender equality. Their role in the decision on abortion has brought about the virgin/whore complexity. Women have been categorized into two groups. One group deserves respect whereas, the other group is characterized by biological embarrassment and loss of reproductive rights. Sadly, this group who are seen as an embarrassment to the society also loses the rights not to be assaulted. Worst, when they are assaulted, they are less likely to be believed leave alone getting justice. Media will always give a very controversial report on the assault case. Furthermore, the court will be reluctant to give due judgment.
Time after time, we rarely get studies done on rape cultures and women who are sexually embarrassed. “My dress my choice” is a phrase that many people have failed to accept. As a result, women who dress “provocatively” are likely to be believed in the case of rape because their history dictates their desire for sex even during the moment of rape that their dressing suggests that they had asked for it. For instance, in February 1992 when boxer Mike Tyson was convicted of raping Desiree Washington, the jury quoted that Miss Desiree was a Christian and had not chosen to wander out of the Christian gender roles. She was victorious in the case simply because she was a Christian. What would have happened to her if she was not a Christian nor “pure” as it was quoted in the case? Would she have been believed? Or would she be written off like any other girl? MS Desiree case shows how ordinary women would be charged wrongly based on her decisions. Do non-Christian girls or girls who have embraced their sexuality have a chance of being believed in any tricky situation?
Online terrorism is another form of a severe gender crime. We always consider these threats harmless and blame women for their unwillingness to engage in all kinds of debates. Freedom of speech is a paramount right to every human being. However, the idea is often evoked, and a woman who reacts to sexually unacceptable comments are always told. Additionally, some critics will argue that men experience an equal level of harassment on the internet as women. Such arguments always ignore the gender-based violence and threats on women. The women’s dignity and respect do not stop on the web, women deserve due observance in all platforms and at all conditions. Online terrorism should be treated with the same strength that other domestic violence are given.
In conclusion, this attacks on women, how they dress, what they do and the idea of viewing their bodies as public properties should be seen as an injustice to women. All of these activities are and embarrassment to sexuality and qualify to be termed as gender terrorism. Gender terrorism should not be taken lightly; justice must be accorded to the victims. Besides, women should be motivated to accept their sexuality and feel free to do whatever they want with their bodies. Women have full control of their bodies and have a right to choose what to do and what not to do with their bodies.

