A Thought on Innovation

Innovate right

James Alcock
Code Gym
2 min readSep 11, 2020


1 The Human Race Is Intrinsically Creative — This means you!

The human race is particularly curious, this is why we are so innovative. Each and every human being has the power to be creative, this is why we are top of the food chain, why we can send people to space, perform keyhole heart surgery and push our sports people to the edge of physical bounds.

Just the other day I was sat in a traffic jam waiting for my turn at some lights. I was on a bridge over a motorway. On the motorway there was a tailback which stretched as far as I could see in both directions, there were 1000’s of vehicles. Two emotions I felt at the time were that of sadness that we, as humans, consume so much, but also we endeavor to achieve so much. What level of innovation and creativity does it take to extract all the raw materials for one vehicle, turn them into components and put them together for just one car. Let alone the effort required to turn this into a mass production where we can all sit together on the motorway (an innovation in itself) waiting to continue our day.



James Alcock
Code Gym

I implement high value technology roadmaps and strategies for businesses that care about their impact on the world.