How to pick your “best” “cloud” provider

Dick Tang
Dick Tang
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2018


TL;DR no “the best”, it depends

Run ≥10 servers? (with knowledgeable man to setup)
- Google (GCE) / Amazon (AWS)

Run ≤10 servers, for as little cost as possible?
- Linode / AWS Lightsail

Run powerful servers (eg. >100GB RAM)?
- IBM SoftLayer / / OVH

Choosing a cloud providers is hard, especially there are tons of cloud computing providers. But there are no “the best” cloud provider. Depending on your need / infrastructure scale, there are different options fit you the best…



Dick Tang
Dick Tang

Director of DevOps Engineering @HK01 . Former @9GAG SRE Engineer . OSS advocator