Hello, world!

John Riney III
Dictionary Engineering
1 min readApr 20, 2018

Welcome to Dictionary.com’s engineering blog! You might know us from our Word Of The Day emails, or from our Twitter feed (@dictionarycom).

When I tell people I’m an engineer at Dictionary here in Oakland, CA, their first response is usually something like

  • Dictionary has engineers?
  • Dictionary has engineers in Oakland?
  • Dictionary is its own company? I thought you were just a site owned by (name of giant internet company).

Honestly, if you’d asked me a few months ago, I probably wouldn’t have known either. It turns out that Dictionary is a relatively small company with a fascinating story. Helping people learn to communicate more effectively leads to some really interesting technical challenges, so we’ve created this blog to share some of what we’ve learned.

More to come!



John Riney III
Dictionary Engineering

Engineer at Dictionary.com. Geek, maker, tech guy, music lover, photographer, gamer, congoer. I like making things and telling stories. Opinions are my own.