“Before I die”

Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?
3 min readJan 10, 2017

Hello fashion lovers! I apologize for writing after such a long time, I must admit studying fashion design is not as easy as it seems. But here I am, about to write my first fashion post, (super exciting yet super scary). Today’s post is about how fashion has changed my life.

Ready to hear all about it? Here it goes.

When I first started studying fashion I had no idea about pretty much anything from the industry. I knew I was going to make clothes, draw stuff, and that’s pretty much it. I knew Chanel and Dior, but I didn’t know EVERYTHING that goes behind fashion design. My dream, as I began college, was to be the best Mexican fashion designer and that I would be in every Fashion Week in the world, and you know, that stuff. But as time passed I realised there’s much to it than that. People are so used to hearing about fashion design and thinking that it’s just about dressing pretty and being glamorous, but, to be honest, there’s nothing glamorous about working tons of hours a day!

After some time, I began hearing about “fashion blogs” and how people gained money from it (I do not intend on winning money out of it, I swear), but I really never understood it.

A fashion blog is about expressing your style and your thoughts on a public web page. That’s pretty much it. Some will take pictures of themselves and show how to dress for certain occasions, some share what they see on the streets, and some do blogs just to have a place to share their thoughts and feelings; like me.

The reason the post is called “Before I Die” is mainly because of the wall that’s behind me in the pictures, and because having a blog was part of my bucket list. Apart from having a blog, working on a fashion magazine is also part of that list. I obviously don’t intend on being the next Anna Wintour, but surely the next Grace Coddington (yeah sure). Anyways, a great teacher once told me that to be even considered to work in a magazine I had to have some experience writing; so that’s when I decided to start my blog.

“Did I Hear Fashion” will hold all the outfits that make me feel better about myself; after all that’s what fashion is all about. I will show you the ways that I dress for certain events and how different outfits make me feel different ways. I hope to have just some of the impact on you as fashion has had on me.

Keep hearing fashion,




Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?

Una perspectiva de la industria de la moda por una estudiante de diseño. -A.T.