“De la moda lo que te acomoda.”

Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?
2 min readJan 10, 2017

On today’s post I will honor my mother language, Spanish. I will talk about fashion, but will not instruct you on how it’s done. The title of my post, “De la moda lo que te acomoda”, is a Mexican saying that practically means “Wear whatever you please”. I have always heard this phrase from my parents and even have used it myself.

I know I am a fashion designer which means that I have to follow trends imposed by professionals. I have to admit I do, but there’s never enough time (and money) to follow those trends. It is hard to go changing my wardrobe every six months, (there are two fashion seasons in a year), so I just wear things from seasons past and try my best to stay always stylish.

Like I said, even though I’m a fashion designer, following trends is not my forte. And I advice people to do the same; you see, I believe that real fashion relies in one’s true sense of style. Every single living person has a sense of style. Even if it’s just wearing the exact same pair of jeans, T-shirt and sneakers. That person still has a sense of style. Why? People recognise it, they even call names on it. Fashion should not be seen as something you have to follow or you’re not in it; it is rather an immense area where people can choose how to be identified and how to express themselves.

So here is the way I wear whatever I want. I happen to be super small and have chubby ankles, which means I am not supposed to wear laced-up shoes; nor should I wear my jeans rolled up. But I feel comfortable in that and I like it very much, therefore, I will wear it. There are no rules. No what to and what not to do. Fashion is what you feel, how you feel it and how you wear it.

I hope this post has given you a more open and less superficial way of seeing fashion. Thank you for listening (well, reading) to everything I have to say!

Keep hearing fashion,




Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?

Una perspectiva de la industria de la moda por una estudiante de diseño. -A.T.