Where Magic Starts.

Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?
2 min readJan 10, 2017

You know how every blogger has their special spot to write? That perfectly cozy coffee house, beautiful Central Park, for those lucky New Yorkers, and for others, like me, our house is good enough. For my first post I wanted to show you my workplace, my dream desk where all my creativity is set on.

So here it is, where all my magic starts.

So, let me explain. This part of my room started about 4 years ago when I returned from my year abroad in Germany. I had traveled the whole year round and had discovered lots of small stores with cute postcards which I started to collect. I realised that we spend our trips looking for the perfect souvenir, the ones that cost over $10, and we ignore the fact that postcards are about $0.50 and they portrait perfectly where you were.

I guess I fell in love with them when I figured out their purpose; my family, my friends, and my then boyfriend used to send postcards all the time, every single one of them with a short paragraph of how much they missed and loved me. Having such a small place to write someone a message limits you to be 100% honest about your feelings, so this gives you a small piece of paper in which someone has spilled all their feelings.

This is why I filled my wall with every postcard I have received and bought, and this is my biggest piece of inspiration. This is me.

My workplace, besides the postcards, is filled with pictures of me and my family, with friends, and with my boyfriend; it also has lots of pictures with quotes that help me get by. I have noticed that when you feel tired or just sick of life, having small reminders of why life is great helps a whole lot.

Somehow my desk says “Did I Hear Fashion?” once you look at it, so here it goes, my first post dedicated to that small spot that takes me places I’ve never been to.

Keep hearing fashion,




Did I Hear Fashion?
Did I Hear Fashion?

Una perspectiva de la industria de la moda por una estudiante de diseño. -A.T.