Did You Know…Rats killed over 75 million Europeans in the Middle Ages?

But how?


Photo by j. a. uppendahl on Unsplash

It wasn’t a horde of ravenous killer rats, but it was the rats that carried and transmitted the Black Death, or the bubonic plague, leading to the catastrophic death toll of over one-third of Europe’s population. The disease spread in a cycle.

Don't let its adorable appearance deceive you.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

It started with fleas infecting rats, then passing back to fleas, and eventually reaching humans. The bubonic plague actually still exists today but, thankfully, now doctors know how to stop it from spreading.

It perished, perhaps 50% of Europe’s 14th century population

Thank you for reading.



Bambboo Devi
Did You Know…Short Fun Facts

Author| Story teller| Flash fiction lover. I left behind the corporate world to embrace my love for words.