Weekly Recap #1: “Let’s get this party started!”

Diesdas Digital
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2016

The first week of being a new, independent company comes to an end and we’d like to share a few thoughts and observations about what happened in these first days:

First and foremost: Being self-employed is super rewarding so far, making your own choices when to start/end the work day, when to take breaks, how to structure our day without reporting to anyone. Should we ever get into the situation to employ other people, the goal must be for them to feel the same way and keep these liberties.

We’re financially covered, at least for January and February, actively working on projects from day one. That also means we’re en route to build a self-sustaining company without any outside capital — sure, it’s very early days, but we’re off to a good start.

We have office space! The good folks at häberlein & mauerer agreed to share their office with us, at Rosenthaler Straße 51, 10178 Berlin. And since we have desks and an address, you can also drop by and visit us — just send a quick message through one of the usual channels. We mean it!

Being active on social media as a company is hard … some apps like Instagram and Snapchat don’t allow account switching, but what’s even more tricky is finding a voice for the company. Makes you wanna crawl back into your own account and simply post there. We definitely want to ramp up our activities though (making the classic mistake of talking about it instead of doing it … oh well).

Setting up a company in Germany is a bureaucratic nightmare (surprise)! We’re almost through all the necessary meetings and contracts with lawyers, notaries, tax accountants, banks, changing our health insurance, pension, yadda yadda and it’s been exhausting. Really the first test for your team if you can rely on each other. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel now!

Last, but not least: A huge thanks to everyone sending us potential clients and projects, spreading the word and supporting us. You are a tremendous help in getting this off the ground. You know who you are and you’re the best!

Alright, thanks for checking in! We’ll be back next week with more to share!

Originally published at feed.diesdas.digital.



Diesdas Digital

We combine strategy, design & technology to cut through the noise and launch digital experiences people will tell their friends about.