Introduce us to future employees, get 500€ when a contract is signed.

You shall be rewarded if you send people our way. 🎉

Harry Keller
2 min readMar 27, 2018


🤜 🤛

Hiring as a small company is tricky: Sometimes job postings work and get new people interested, but most often personal recommendations really make the difference. Actually, we’ve found most of our people and get most of our projects through our network, in short: you.

We value these hints and contributions, which is why we’ve decided to show our gratitude:

We’ll reward you with 500€ if you recommend us to a new person, who then signs an employment contract.

So if you know anyone who’s looking for a new job or isn’t super happy at their current one, please make a quick email intro at That way we know about the connection and you can claim your reward in case the contract gets signed. 👾

Currently we’re looking to fill the following positions: digital designer, javascript developer, front-end developer, Elm developer, project manager. Know anyone who’d be a good fit? Drop us that email! 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Frequently Asked Questions

What about taxes? We will cover the taxes through a beautiful German concept called “Pauschalversteuerung” and make sure that you end up with ~500€ after taxes.

I wanted to apply anyways, but now I’ll just ask a friend to recommend me, so that we can share the reward. Cool? Do whatever you think you have to do. 😅

Is the reward only paid out after the probation period? Nope, we reward you immediately once we sign the contract. It’s our responsibility to properly assess the person. is a nimble studio for strategy, branding and product development in Berlin, featuring a multidisciplinary team of designers, developers and strategists. We create tailor-made digital solutions with an agile mindset and a smile on our faces; seeing the bigger picture, as well as intricate details. You can hire us: let’s work together and make rad internet stuff! 🙌

Want more? We’re also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and we highly recommend our Tumblr. You could also subscribe to this publication to get notified when new posts are published! Phew. That’s all, over & out! 🛰



Harry Keller

Grand millennial with a teenage mind: always curious, mostly optimistic, annoyingly idealistic. Developer and partner at @diesdasdigital.