Weekly Recap #2: “And suddenly it’s Saturday!”

Diesdas Digital
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2016

Hello and welcome back! This is the second weekly recap of what’s happening at diesdas.digital. I’m Harry and I gotta say: time flies! It’s hard to believe it’s Saturday already. We’ve been slammed with work this week, here’s what happened:

First things first: Our corner of the office starts to look like we’re actually doing work. Mainly because we bought some equipment, like two shiny Dell 4k screens (and me finding out later that my old Macbook doesn’t support 4k 🙄). In case you’re wondering why we only occupy two desks so far: Lars, our third partner in crime, is still working with his old company, finishing up a project, but he’ll finally be joining us next week!

Some shots of our desks … it’s all coming together.

Regarding the pin board you see in the photo above: Shout out to Stange Design, maker of epic cardboard furniture! We’ll definitely buy more of this stuff; however, we’ll be smarter then and won’t attempt to transport the boxes without a car. I thought it’d be just cardboard, but this shit is heavy! Not fun.

Cardboard store → U6 → U7 → U7 (in the right direction this time) → U8 → office. #fml #ismiregal

Anyhow, the pin board is great and we’ll make use of it in a workshop with SmarterGerman next week.

In preparation of that workshop we also launched a quick survey, for those of you learning German … and we were blown away by your feedback! 76 responses so far, which is way more than we expected! Thanks everyone, we’ll sift through it all early next week and blog about the results. Another huge “thank you” to Sharon and Scott for sharing their experiences in face-to-face interviews!

Lots of people have been asking about the projects we’re currently working on. Right now we’re busy with a living web style guide for a huge company (I’d say every person living in Germany knows them), which might serve as the foundation for a new web application and possibly also a relaunch of their main website at some point later. I’d love to spill the beans and share more, but unfortunately there is an NDA and a few other agencies are involved as well, so that’s all we can say for now.

Apart from that and our work with SmarterGerman, some other interesting things are happening, like a new website for Alphabet Type that we’re gonna start next week. Also a few friends have recommended us to potential clients and we’re turning some of these leads into actual projects. Honestly, I’m quite amazed how it’s all coming together, with the office, the company paperwork and having interesting projects to work on. Sure, it’s stressful at times, but looking at the bigger picture, pretty smooth sailing so far.

Speaking of which: We thought we could be more transparent about our financial situation, as it might be interesting for other people pondering to found a company. We already have our daily rate openly on our website, but wondered if sharing our founding costs, monthly revenue, our salaries and how much money stays in the company would be interesting to people. Haven’t really thought it through, but at the same time: why the hell not? We might just do it and see what happens, when the dust has settled a bit next month.

Anyhow, moving on to this pretty picture, which is a bird’s eye view on next week’s calendar:

As you can see the coming days will be demanding, but you know what’s great? I’m pumped, excited and looking forward to all of it! Sure, it’ll be a lot to juggle, but what we currently lack in team size, we’re making up in dedication and motivation!

Yeah, cool. I’m gonna wrap this one up now — thank you for checking in, see you next week and enjoy your weekend everybody!

Over & out! 🤖



Diesdas Digital

We combine strategy, design & technology to cut through the noise and launch digital experiences people will tell their friends about.