Week 29: Crew reporting for duty.

Stardate 2016.204, diesdas.digital’s log: Just a short update this time, because sickness 😪 and holidays 🏖 decimated the crew this week. Negligible impact on morale though, all operations within normal parameters.

Diesdas Digital
4 min readJul 23, 2016


Welcome to the 29th edition of our weekly recap series. I am Harry and we are diesdas.digital, a fairly new digital agency based in Berlin. These log entries chronicle our journey as a small company, the challenges we face and how we approach them.

But you knew that already, didn’t you? Buckle up, we’re about to get started with this rather pathetic photo …

The future is here and it’s douchey. 🖖

So, what was most important this week? Watching Star Trek: Beyond of course! 🤓 Max, Lorenz and I got IMAX tickets and went to see the newest trek-but-not-really-trek movie on the big screen.

Initial reaction: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Reaction one day later: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still.

Sure, it was entertaining, but also rather soulless. In-depth reviews are to be found elsewhere, I just needed an excuse to place that photo at the top. Which means we now beam down to the bridge of our own operations, to Berlin Mitte.

Everyone materialized safe and sound in the office.

Approaching the week chronologically, we returned to the office after our away team mission from last weekend, in which we mostly charted muddy waters, boldly going where no fish has gone before. S0 on Monday we all had to report back for duty on the bridge; except for Lars, who decided to take a well-earned vacation to spend time with his dad, indulging in some archaic 21st century activities, known as “riding a bike”.

Cpt. Krüger and his superior officer on tour. 💚

So the crew was down to Lorenz, Max, Nicolás and me, writing code, designing a printed flyer and preparing a website launch later this week (strictly classified). Combined with the ongoing projects all this made for rather hectic days — which wasn’t made easier by the fact that Max hopped on a shuttle mid-week, cruising off to some sunny destination or that Lorenz spent one day at HTW academy, teaching young cadets the basics of HTML/CSS/Git. Then, Nicolás and I caught the Levodian flu and were put under quarantine, confined to our quarters. Sigh.

Times like these are tough when you’re a small crew, because everyone is usually working at maximum capacity already, which makes filling in for somebody else tricky. At the same time holidays and sick leave are obviously non-negotiable necessities, so we had to improvise a new duty roster, shifting a few meetings to next week and focusing on the most urgent work to be done. Now, in hindsight, everything looks a lot calmer than two days ago. As always we got through this together! 😊

Stop making that face Lieutenant Lorenz, it’s HAUNTING!

Speaking of HTW academy: They are recruiting right now and Admiral Ingerl asked us to pass on this assignment:

So if you fancy new challenges and working with curious cadets sounds like your thing … then what are you waiting for? Lorenz and I always had a splendid time whenever we were stationed there. Apply right now! 🙃

“Prepare to initiate photo capturing sequence! On my command … engage!”

By Thursday we were down to Lorenz and me, with Nicolás luckily returning on Friday. The ship was weirdly quiet with only so few crew mates aboard — which in return made for very productive and focused hours.

It feels like the last five days were mostly about preparing the ground for bigger things to come though. Next week everyone will be back at their stations and (most importantly) healthy again: We might kick off a new project, have a couple of client meetings, status updates and will conduct a workshop with good project prospects. So the course is laid in and on Monday we’re ready to punch it! 💪

And that’s it for now. Have a nice weekend and don’t forget to catch some sun on the holodeck!

Next week all of those stations will be occupied again.

Supplemental: If this post sparked your curiosity, you can follow our adventures on different subspace frequencies, mainly Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook or by subscribing to this weekly log. That’s an order!

Dismissed! 🤖



Diesdas Digital

We combine strategy, design & technology to cut through the noise and launch digital experiences people will tell their friends about.