Weekly Recap #4: “Vorsprung durch Hektik”

Diesdas Digital
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2016

Hey there, it’s Harry from diesdas.digital and this time our recap comes slightly late. The reason being that yesterday I felt stressed for the first time, because things took longer, technology didn’t comply with my expectations and next week looks hectic already. It was a bit overwhelming, so I had to clear my head before writing this. I guess that’s part of the process.

Luckily my teammates didn’t lose their cool, we talked about the worries, made decisions on how to deal with the upcoming challenges and it’s all good now.

A client sent us this screenshot after a Google Hangout. Umm, thanks, we dig it!

Daily quibbles aside, moving on to the fun stuff! We’re looking back at a spectacular first month and an exciting week. Let’s dive right in!

Typo Stammtisch

On Thursday we attended the Typo Stammtisch (“typography round table”): a meet-up for typography enthusiasts, happening monthly in Berlin.

Shout out to Sonja, Ivo, Norman, Vinni, Marco, Felix, Frank, Alex, Jürgen, Lucas, Martina, Gunnar and all the others!

I’ve wanted to go for years, but never actually made it, so this being my first time I gotta say: I was impressed by the warmth and friendliness of everyone attending. The audience was super diverse, from students to renowned type designers, to people just hanging out. Everyone was welcoming, open-minded and eager to chat. I’ll definitely be there again the next time!

We LOLed.

Part of the Stammtisch was an exhibition of student works from different cities. I don’t recall the name of the typeface above or who made it, but if somebody reads this and knows: Send us the info and we’ll include it in the next post (in any case, thanks for the headline)!

Update Jan 31: The typeface is called Ronkey, by Benedikt Bramböck. Which is a funny coincidence, because he happens to work at Alphabet Type, which we happen to work with on a new website. Small world, eh?

Interlude: People behind screens not realizing they are being photographed:

diesdas on social media

I’m quite happy with our social media efforts so far, regularly blogging, getting mostly encouraging feedback. Sure, our Twitter could be more active, there could be more posts on Tumblr/Instagram, but taking care of these channels can take up a tremendous amount of time and energy. Posting a single Instagram can easily cost 30 minutes, and writing one of these recaps up to three hours. So as long as we cannot afford to employ a Senior Social Media Management Consultant Direction Supervisorwe’ll just do our best, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I’d love to share more project work, but there are obviously NDAs in place, so we’ll have to wait and see until we actually launch something. On the left (or above, depending on your screen size) is a cute little animation though.

Oh, and we did manage to finally compile the research from our project with SmarterGerman into a post and you can find it right here on Medium: Learning German — insights from 80 responses to a quick online survey.

Tough Mudder

We are beyond excited that we’re gonna take part in a Tough Mudder run happening in July in Germany. You can find all the information here or you can watch this video:

We’re still debating how to live stream or capture our pathetic efforts diving through mud, but we’re definitely signing up for this as a team. Let us know in case you wanna join us! Bring it on!

Tech of the week: Magic Mouse 2

When Apple introduced the Magic Mouse 2, I didn’t see the point the upgrade for somebody owning the first generation. Sure, a rechargeable battery is nice, but definitely not worth ~90€, considering that everything else seemed to be the same.

Old and new, I can’t tell which is which.

But then Lorenz yolo’ed himself one at the Apple Store and … wow, the new one is so much better. Where the old one miserably screeches across the desk, the new one just glides in silence. It’s also heavier and just feels better. If you still don’t want to spend 90€ though (like me), do yourself a favor and at least sellotape your old one. It comes close enough for me:

Yeah, I know, it’s ugly, but form follows function, right? Admittedly, you could probably cut off the overlapping parts.

And that’s it for today!

As always: We welcome any feedback you might have and wish you a relaxing weekend! Thanks go out to everyone who recommended us to potential clients or brought in projects. We’re super grateful!

See you around next week! 🖖

Der letzte macht das Licht aus.



Diesdas Digital

We combine strategy, design & technology to cut through the noise and launch digital experiences people will tell their friends about.