Have you ever felt the pain like being struck with lightning?

Hideaki Ise伊勢 秀昭
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2017

I suffered a half year due to sciatica pain 15 years ago. Since had having a strained back in school days, low back pain had become sick. However, sciatica was completely heterogeneous. It causes severe physical disorders such as difficulty walking.

At first, from the buttocks to the thighs, a stroking pain appears and gradually turns into pain that electricity passes there. It appears in one or two muscles, not from a narrow range, from the right buttocks to the bottom of the right thighs.

Today, the back pain of the right buttocks and the right thighs, next to the left buttocks and the left thighs, the painful places change every day.

The body of pain is dominated

the way of the occurrence of pain can be roughly divided into the following three kinds
① Pain that occurs after a certain movement
② Predictable periodic pain regardless of body movement
③ And the pain that is always happening

① is a pain that happens when you get up, when you give a sudden stimulation to your muscles such as sneezing, coughing.
② not only when I am awake but also attacks without mercy when I am asleep. It attacks on a regular basis. Pain is stronger at bedtime. When I am awake, maybe I feel weakly because I am interested in other things.
③ always exists around the outer part of the base of the femur. It will not disappear. No matter where I am or what I am doing, there is always pain.
What is causing pain?

Only about 15% know that the cause is caused by bone fractures,

degeneration of parts of the body, other diseases and so on. The other 85% is causing pain in the brain for some reason.
There is no guarantee that pain will occur in disc herniation.
When I diagnosed this as a herniated disc 15 years ago, I did not know at all.

A hernia between the intervertebral discs collapsed and jumped out, and the nerve was irritated and the pain
We could only think of choosing hernia back out of the intervertebral disc.
There are two ways.
① Surgical operation
② Orthopedic clinic

I thought that surgical operation is dangerous because the nerves are concentrated, I chose the orthopedic clinic.
I hoped for treatment of the bone clinic. I went two or three times a week. There is a place famous for low back pain treatment, patients with low back pain from all over the country had come.

However,The symptoms do not improve at all even after a month.
Conversely, the type of pain increases, the pain becomes intense, there are no signs of improvement at all.

It is the same even after two months. It does not improve.
From this time, I began to wonder the treatment method I was receiving. Even if you are receiving treatment, you will not get cured at all by being alone.
It can not be improved. Because the cause of the pain is not a disc herniation ,,,,

“Healing Back Pain” of Dr. John Sarno

About 3 months after the onset of sciatica, I started investigating myself about low back pain. And I found “Healing Back Pain” of Dr. John Sarno in the USA.
In that book, it is said that most causes of back pain and joint pain are psychogenic such as anger and anxiety. It was written that knowing only the real cause of pain, the pain will go away more and less.

“Yes, I have been treating a place different from the real cause!” So I knew how to treat Dr. Sarno, and since I started practicing I had pain in one month The symptoms were relaxed considerably, and in 2 months almost no pain was lost.

Treatment of the body can not be done by personnel.
“The cause of illness and disorder of the body is in myself, it is also immune power to cure, it is necessary to know what is real and act actively on your own” Did.

Then, I learned the connection between subconscious mind and myself, how to utilize it first, I deeply regretted that I was hardly conscious about my mind all the time.
While my sciatica occurred, my body and mind were dominated by the “great demon king” of pain. I was always frightened by the Great Satan.
And when I knew the identity of that great demon king, I grabbed the opportunity to regain my body and mind and I was able to recover in about a month.

Live my own life.

When suffering from sciatica, it was just hell, always fearing pain, being unable to walk even depending on the symptoms, neither cough nor sneezing. A tremendous pain attacks after coughing and sneezing.

I was completely dominated by pain.

But that was not the only one that was dominated.

I was told that I was also dominated by “what I have to do” in my life.
I felt that the feelings of liberty and openness that I felt when I was relieved from painful intention were dominated by things turning into pain when I turned my eyes to everyday life.
A work I have to do to live. Customers who have to connect in order to continue working. and so many stuffs that I have to do.

All I had to do was to go around and the things I wanted to do were not lost indefinitely.
I noticed that I sold my heart and body to what I had to do.
I noticed when I survived from the fight against pain, “I will regain my life.”
It was himself who had sold himself.

While I was leaving myself to do what I had to do, I had forgotten what I wanted to do.
It was an automatic driving mode of my subconscious mind.
The gap between the automatic driving and my consciousness was accumulated in the accumulation and it became big stress.

Have time to focus on what I want to do

The subconscious mind accounts for more than 90% of the consciousness as a whole. Even if we do not think about anything, we can live.
If you do not focus on what you want to do with conscious consciousness, subconscious attempted to move based on accumulated information from the past.

So having time to focus on what I want to do is very important.
Since I knew this, when I was sciatica, I changed the thought that I had occupied with my mind “Why is it so painful and painful” to the image I want to have.
You have “your own image you want” several times a day.
You can put it on paper and it is good to put it out loud. The more important thing is to have an image with realism.

Subconscious mind can not distinguish between reality and unreality

By having an image with a sense of presence, new information is downloaded to subconsciousness, and the automatic driving device starts to move in a new direction. Because subconscious has no concept of reality, unreality and time, it is deceived by the image with strong presence.

If you feel anger or anxiety, let’s know the cause. As a result, information on anger and anxiety downloaded to subconscious mind is released.
Let’s be conscious of our daily emotions firmly.

Thank you for reading long sentences.



Hideaki Ise伊勢 秀昭
Editor for

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