Is margarine healthier than butter?

Ümit Y
Diet Guru
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2019

No, it is not. This is partly due to preservatives.

Margarine is an artifact of fat, water and lecithin. High quality margarine is made from olive or sunflower oil; Cheaper contains palm oil, beef tallow and lard. Margarines with polyunsaturated fatty acids are important suppliers of vitamin E and essential fatty acids. The common assumption that margarine contains less fat than butter is not true. Hard as soft margarines, as well as butter, contain 80% fat.

Butter is a natural product and therefore, unlike margarine, free of emulsifiers, dyes and preservatives. That’s why butter is preferred in whole foods. While butter contains more saturated fats than margarine, as long as it is used only occasionally and sparingly, there is no reason to remove it from the shopping list.

