5 Warning Signs of Unhealthy Nutrition (and how to fix them all)

Nutritionist Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2020

The right foods in the right amounts is essential for maintaining overall good health and well-being. A diet lacking in important nutrients may cause unpleasant symptoms which is our body’s way of communicating that there might be a nutritional deficiency which must be addressed.

Here are symptoms which may indicate poor nutrition and lack of essential nutrients-

1. Feeling too tired/ Paleness

Lack of energy and feeling dull or dizzy all the time could be a sign of iron deficiency. Fatigue could also be a sign of magnesium deficiency or a vitamin D or B12 deficiency.

Iron rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, meat, legumes and lentils will help to increase your iron levels. In case, iron is not adequately absorbed by your body, you might need to consider taking supplementation after consulting your doctor.

2. Brittle hair and nails

A variety of reasons can cause brittle hair and nails- one of the reason being lack of biotin. Other symptoms of biotin deficiency include fatigue, muscle pain, cramps and tingling sensation in hands and feet. Egg yolks, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains and bananas are rich sources of biotin that one can include in their daily diet.

3. Irregular in bowel habits

Digestive health is extremely important for overall good health and well-being. No one likes feeling uneasy and stuck on a daily basis, isn’t it? Lack of fibre rich foods and poor water intake can lead to one feeling constipated. Addition of at least 2 servings fruits and 4–5 servings of vegetables in your diet along with an optimal water intake of 2–3 litres per day would be sufficient to keep things moving easy!

4. Feeling gloomy or low too often

Did you know that food affects our mental health too? Feeling gloomy or depressed could point out a vitamin D deficiency and is very common in people who don’t get enough sunlight. Spending 20–30 mins in sunlight will help your body synthesize vitamin D and raise your levels. If sunlight is not readily available, consider taking a supplement or including vitamin D rich foods like salmon, egg yolks, cod liver, fish, shrimp, mushrooms and fortified food products in your diet.

5. Weak immunity

A healthy and a balanced diet provides essential nutrients for a strong immune system without which our body would not be capable of fighting against a variety of illnesses. A diet adequate in protein and zinc, along with vitamins A, C, and E helps to strengthen the immunity.

Overcoming or preventing nutritional deficiencies

Eating a well-planned diet which helps to address and replenish your nutritional deficiencies along with supplementation (if required) is of utmost importance. Ensure that your diet is as nutritionally dense as possible. The darker the color, the more nutrient dense it is! Cutting down on processed and junk foods and replacing them with a variety of whole and nourishing foods is the simplest way to make a healthy change.


  1. https://brightside.me/inspiration-health/8-signs-that-could-mean-you-have-a-nutritional-deficiency-533360/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-deficiency
  3. https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/6-signs-nutrient-deficiency

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