Getting back to your healthy routine after a break!

Diary of a Nutritionist
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

So you are back home after an amazing break / vacation and you feel like you have gone off track from your daily routine. Before going on a holiday you were eating healthy, exercising steadily and taking good care of yourself. After all that restaurant food and less physical activity, it would seem like it is tough to get back to your healthy eating and exercise regimen . Let’s help you with some tips so that you can get back to your routine!

1. Rehydrate yourself: Drink lots of water after you are back home. It helps in keeping your body sufficiently hydrated. As the restaurants food and packaged food has a lot of salt, you may end up being bloated. Alcohol also leads to bloating. Drinking enough water helps in reducing bloating. Also, your digestive system may have taken a toll. Rehydrating yourself will also help in relieving constipation.

Drink water to keep yourself hydrated

2. Catch up on your sleep: There are chances that your body is sleep deprived after all the holidaying and partying. Make sure you catch up on your pending sleep as your body needs the beauty sleep to get back on track.

A girl catching up on her sleep

3. Have lots of fruits and veggies: A change in eating patterns during a vacation can have an effect on your digestion. Consume a good quantity of fruits and veggies as it helps your digestive system get back to normal.

Bowl of mixed fruits

4. Head back to your daily routine: You may have that urge to be in a holiday mood for few more days. You may feel like having unhealthy food and not exercising for sometime. Go back to healthy eating and working out without any delay. Initially, go slow on your activity and gradually increase your time and activity level.

Girl going for a run

5. Start eating at your regular meal time: Your meal times may be erratic when you are on a vacation. After you are back home, make sure you eat at appropriate time and at regular intervals. You may feel like skipping meals as you have eaten unhealthy food during your holiday. But starving is not a solution as you may tend to overeat your next meal.

Roti and cooked vegetable

Doing the above would not only help you get back to your routine but also provide your body the missing dose of healthiness it has been craving while being out.

