Know Your Millets: Types & Health Benefits

Nutritionist Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2024

Millets are considered powerhouse treasure trove of nutrition, taste and are at the center of our healthy diet, providing nourishment and nutrients. Despite this, millets remain an underrated gem in our daily diet when it comes to their types and health benefits. Let’s discuss what makes these tiny grains a powerhouse of nutrients?

Millets are small-seeded grasses and superfood cereal crops that come in various shapes and sizes. They’re hardy crops, thriving in diverse climates with minimal water. Millets have been a staple in Indian households for centuries, offering resilience and sustenance. They are highly nutritious, non-glutinous and non acid forming foods, with nutraceutical and health promoting properties especially the high fibre content. They act as a probiotic feeding for micro flora in our inner ecosystem (consists of microbes used for breaking down food and toxins for elimination of waste from body) and hydrate our colon to keep us from being constipated.

Types of Millets

  • Finger Millet — It is commonly known as ragi, which is one of the most popular kinds of millet with exceptionally high calcium content that makes it an ideal choice for bone health & fiber, crucial for all age groups. It is also rich in iron and fiber combating anemia and promoting a healthy digestive system, preventing issues like constipation. Furthermore, its low glycemic index, makes it a preferred option for individuals managing diabetes.
  • Foxtail Millet — It is a gluten-free grain, with a multitude of health benefits. It is low in glycemic index, which emerges as a diabetes-friendly option, helping to manage blood sugar levels effectively. It is also rich in antioxidants & fiber, contributing to overall well-being by combating oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, the presence of magnesium adds another layer of benefit, supporting heart health and helping regulate blood pressure.
  • Sorghum Millet — It is also known as jowar, which is abundant in antioxidants & fiber, that becomes a powerful weapon against inflammation, contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases. It is gluten-free which serves as a versatile alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivities, widening the scope of dietary choices. It is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, that not only supports immune function but also plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal bone health.
  • Pearl Millet — It plays a crucial role in providing a sustained release of vitality, with a high carbohydrate content, it becomes a reliable source of fuel, making it an excellent choice for those with active lifestyles. It is a powerhouse of iron & fiber, addressing concerns related to anemia, promoting digestive regularity, preventing issues like constipation and supporting overall blood health.
  • Barnyard Millet — This gluten-free grain is one of the most popular millet types in India that is not only consumed highly but has a rich nutritional profile. It is characterized by its low-calorie profile that emerges as a valuable ally for weight management. Additionally, the substantial dietary fiber content in barnyard millet promotes a healthy digestive system, contributing to regular bowel movements and overall gastrointestinal well-being.

Health Benefits of Consuming Millets

  • It is Crucial in Controlling Blood Sugar Levels — Millets are low in glycemic index (GI) content which plays a crucial role in controlling blood sugar levels from spiking after consuming a meal. They are often considered more nutritious than rice due to its higher fiber, protein and nutrient content, making it suitable for managing blood sugar levels.
  • It Aids in Improving Digestive Health — Millets are rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber is a prebiotic, which supports good bacteria in our gut. Furthermore, the fiber content in it adds bulk to poop, reducing the risk of colon cancer.
  • It is Beneficial in Protecting Heart Health — Millets are full of soluble fiber, which trap fat in our gut and lower the cholesterol level in the blood, reducing the chances of atherosclerosis or heart disease. Additionally, it is also a good sources of magnesium which is beneficial in preventing heart failure.
  • It Plays a Crucial Role in Building Healthy Cells — Millets are an excellent source of B vitamins, which plays an important role from controlling brain function to healthy cell division. In addition to this it also contains vitamin B9, also known as folate, beneficial in producing healthy red blood cells.

Ways to Include Millets in Our Diet

  • It can be included as chapati/ tortilla/ flatbread as part of our daily diet which is a good source of essential nutrients, including protein, fibre, vitamins (such as B vitamins like niacin and thiamine) and minerals (such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus). Henceforth, the amount of nutrition they carry plays a vital role in our overall health.
  • Switch rice poha to jowar poha as it is one of the most common breakfast options consumed by the majority of the us. As jowar is naturally gluten-free, it is suitable alternative for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  • Include millets in pancakes with a blend of oats, jowar flour and natural alkalized cocoa powder. Try adding lotus seeds instead of baking soda, jaggery in place of sugar and alkalized dark chocolate instead of regular cocoa powder to avoid the use of artificial ingredients.
  • Include them as savoury chilla/ pancakes using ragi, bajra and jowar flour as these are nutritious millets that offer a wide range of health benefits from low glycemic index to high energy content, from being gluten-free to providing essential minerals. Furthermore, these millets not only aid in weight loss but can also result in maintaining blood sugar levels.

Millets provide antioxidants, minerals and protein. As whole grains, each millet variety also offers different types and amounts of fibre, which play a vital role in regulating bowel function, blood sugar and lipids. Henceforth millets are nourishing our bodies and nurturing our planet as a sustainable, nutritious and delicious choice.


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