Probiotic — A wonder food

Nutritionist Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2022

Have you ever heard a fascinating fact that our human body houses a variety of bacterial population between the stomach, small intestine and the colon? Well, you heard it right! Within our gastrointestinal tract there exits about 300 to 500 species of bacteria. Studies have found out that this gut microbiome in humans plays a vital role in the host health and well-being. On that note, probiotics could be defined as live micro-organisms that, when administered in adequate amount, confer a health benefit on the host. Many types of bacteria are classified as probiotics and the lactobacilli which is found in yogurt and other fermented foods, being the most common among them.

Where can you find it?

Probiotics is definitely not a brand new concept that jumped into scientific theories in the recent days. It has always travelled with us through our ancestral traditions. But how? Any guesses? Its through the process known as fermentation. Can you now relate why our grannies had spent hours to make pickles those days- they where actually trying to add some probiotics into our diet! Nowadays consuming probiotics in the form of supplements have gained popularity. But when you have the natural ones, why take supplements? Lets get familiarized with some of the common probiotics in our kitchen- cheese, yogurt, kefir- the fermented milk, sauerkraut- finely shredded fermented cabbage, tempeh- fermented soyabean, kimchi- fermented vegetables, kombucha- fermented tea, pickled cucumbers, traditional buttermilk- these are a few in the list.

The 6 amazing health benefits of probiotics —

  • System balancer- An imbalance in the gut microbiota, which means the bad bacteria out numbers the good ones, can happen due to various infections, diseases, medications such as antibiotics and of course a poor diet. This imbalance can lead to digestive issues, allergies, mental health problems, obesity and more. By restoring the natural balance of the gut bacteria, probiotics comes as a rescue here!
  • Staves off diarrhea- As discussed above, the intake of antibiotics can alter and negatively affect the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. The most common side effect of this is diarrhea. Taking probiotics like curd and buttermilk can prevent and reduce its severity. Moreover, probiotics also helps with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Secures the heart- Bile is a naturally formed fluid, made mostly of cholesterol, found in our digestive tract that aids in fat digestion. If not broken down the bile can be reabsorbed into the blood as cholesterol and contributes in the increased levels of LDL (bad cholesterol). The beneficial bacteria in some of the probiotics prevents this reabsorption by breaking down the bile in the gut, thus reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
  • Savior from allergies- Probiotics are also known to bringdown the extremity of various allergies and eczema in children and infants.
  • Supports immunity- It boosts up the immune system and reduces the risk of urinary tract infections in women. It is also known to improve anxiety, stress, depression, autism, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and memory.
  • Slims the belly- Though some of the probiotics are linked to shoot up the body weight, few studies have shown a positive effect in weight management as some of probiotics prevents the absorption of the dietary fats in the intestine. However, more researches are needed to get a clarity.

Points to ponder —

Probiotics are likely to be safe for most of the people, but there are some points to consider before using them or increasing its intake. Probiotics are associated with serious infections and other side effects in people who have a suppressed immune system and those who have undergone surgery and are critically ill. Additionally, taking too much of probiotics in a day can cause digestive discomforts such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas.

We usually have a pre conception that bacteria are always bad and can cause various infections and diseases. But probiotics are actually a wonder, where bacteria assist in improving the body’s health. Consumption of probiotics in adequate quantity is always recommended as overdose of these can lead to certain ill-effects in your body. Hence it is always important to keep a check with your nutritionist or dietitian for the right probiotic quantity. As you are now aware of the pros and cons of it, always try to include the suitable probiotic by the side to make your meal complete. Eat healthy and stay healthy! 😊


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