Tips for guilt-free feasting this festive season

Nutritionist Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2021

Everyone looks forward to celebrating a fun filled festival with parties galore. We know you can’t wait to indulge in the festive food treats leaving your worries about gaining weight or eating unhealthy, especially the sweets & snacks. With all the eating and drinking the fitness routine of most people go for a toss.

No festival is complete without good food. Being a time for indulgence, some individuals tend to overeat during the festive seasons ending up with overpacked calories and health issues as well. There is no need for completely restricting or avoiding all the yummy delights. Here are some tips that would help you relish festivities sweets and snacks, without worrying about piling those extra kilos.

Pick your sweets wisely

Homemade sweets with jaggery and dry fruits can help in controlling your calorie intake. They could prove to be a better bet than the ones bought from the market. You can try making healthy treats using fruit pulps for the sweetness. Snack on dates, cashews, prunes, apricots and raisins — they are all good for you. Homemade sweets and snacks not only use high-quality ingredients, but they are also fresh and thus, are light on your stomach.

Portion control is the key

Portion control will help you relish all the treats without feeling guilty. Begin with grabbing a small plate and don’t overfill it. Keep a check on the amount (and calories) of sweets and snacks you dig in. Avoid going for second helpings.

Do not give up on your exercise routine

Keep up with your regular exercise routine during the festival feasting. Practicing yoga or any other form of physical training would help you enjoy the festivities with less guilt. If it is difficult to hit the gym, try little things like taking the stairs or going for a short walk or do a couple of stretching exercises at your desk, there are so many ways in which you can still indulge in some kind of physical activity and burn those excess calories.

Plan your meals

As much as it is about the kind of food that you take, your diet is also about how you handle the quantities in moderation. And this is precisely what you need to do while feasting during any festival. If you have already consumed a high calorie-meal during the day, try to keep the dinner light with soups, salads. The same goes for sweets and snacks too. Excess consumption of high salty snacks and dry fruits may cause bloating and water retention in body. Limit the portions to one single piece or one small bowl once a day. Follow your regular meal timings go for early dinner. That’s the best way to maintain your weight.

Stay Hydrated

Amidst all the feasting, it is essential to stay hydrated too. This prevents any chances of water retention or digestive problems. The potassium and other minerals in water also keep your blood pressure in check which may be affected due to all the salty, oily and fattening food that you indulge in. It keeps you full and prevents you from binging. Drinking 10–12 glasses daily also keeps your skin nourished and radiant through the festivities.

Have a healthy breakfast and indulge in healthy snacking

Eating a healthy breakfast rich in protein and fibre will help keep you satiated for the first half of the day and delay the urge to binge and indulge. Fibre takes the longest to digest and promotes the feeling of fullness. Through the day, you can grab some healthy and high fibre foods like an apple or a bowl of oatmeal to avoid unnecessary bingeing.

Regular meals should not be replaced with savouries

Sweets have little or no nutritional value and you should therefore replace the snacks or extra cups of tea or coffee rather than regular meals.

Pre- party preperation

Skipping meals and staying hungry is actually the worst thing one can do for both health and weight. Being hungry increases the risk of overeating foods that one would normally avoid. Therefore, it is advised that one should have healthy drinks like coconut water, buttermilk, vegetable juices and plenty of water before going to the party. One should ****have fruits , soups before leaving home so that the chances of overeating is reduced.

Party diet

Controlling portion size of any eatable is most important. Choose salads, steamed and sautéed vegetables over high calorie tasty treats being served at the party.

Festivals and food go hand in hand as it is one way which connects friends and families. The sweets and snacks made during any festivities have a special place in your heart, but remember not to let it ruin a year-long hard work and indulging in moderation is the key!

Hope you have a happy and healthy festival! Eat well, eat guilt-free and enjoy the festivities.

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