2 Ways To Get Lean This Holiday Season

Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2014


Forget resolutions, start off your new year by looking your very best.

Five to ten pounds.

That’s the amount of weight an average person will pack on this holiday season. Throw on the “freshman 15" if you’re a college student, and gaining up to 25 lbs per year is not abnormal.

And if you’re like most people, you’ll do absolutely nothing about it.

But I’m here to change that.

Today you’ll learn two ways to not only keep the weight off, but to actually become leaner as you march closer towards a surplus of calories.

Method One: Hardwork then coast

Most people gain their 5 to 10 lbs from the two main sources: Christmas dinner and the New Year’s party. For Americans, there’s a third source — the Thanksgiving dinner in late November,

Now assuming the worst case scenario of gaining 10 lbs, you’ll be busting your ass off to drop 15 or more up until the first big family dinner, then coast your way into the new years.

The idea behind it is that the huge deficit you create will be offset by the massive amount of food, alcohol and inactivity that you’ll most likely participate in, giving you a net result of -5 lbs going into the new years. See my ultra accurate graph below to get an idea of what this would look like.

Now you might be wondering, “How exactly can I drop 15 or 20 lbs in a month or less?”

Don’t worry, we shall get to that shortly.

Method Two: Intelligent Cheating

What if you could still enjoy all your family dinners and new years parties without having your weight fluctuate like the stock market?

Is it possible?

Absolutely, here’s how it works: Just like in method one, you have to start putting in the work a few weeks in advance, but where as in method one you create a massive drop in weight then stop putting in any further effort, in method two you put in the effort, let loose, then continue putting in effort, at an intensity that’s manageable. See the graph below.

Another name for intelligent cheating is called is called a refeed — and it should be part of every effective diet program. All we’re doing is using the big dinners as a refeed opportunity instead of extra calories that would usually hurt your dieting efforts.

Where is the “start after” option?

You might be wondering why I haven’t included an option where you can enjoy the last two months of the year then get a fresh new start.

The reason behind it is the same reason why 99% of resolutions fail — tomorrow never comes.

If you don’t develop a change in habits before your binge, you definitely won’t develop a change after. Psychology is as big of a piece to the weight loss puzzle as what you do in the kitchen and in the gym. A famous business coach named Eben Pagen once said, “your mind has you by the balls”

And it’s absolutely true. You need to start today and start seeing results immediately, because there’s nothing more motivating then to get “back on the horse” and continue your journey.

Where’s the “be sensible” option?

I didn’t include this either because I like enjoying life.

Can reducing your portions, skipping your lunch for a bigger dinner and choosing salads over cheesecake help your net weight loss results when the new years starts?


But the problem with sensibility is that it eats up willpower, and bores me half to death. Just imagine sitting at a table having a coffee and a biscuit because you’re practicing “sensibility” while everyone else is enjoying wine and chocolate cake. Bullshit.

I want my wine. I want my cake. I want my turkey with all the gravy and stuffing you can throw at me… and I also want to look damn good.

The two methods I’ve listed here were chosen for two reasons:

1. Allows you to actually have fun during the big family dinner. Seriously, eat all you want because you will still come out on top.

2. Reduces stress by having you not worry about what you’re putting in your mouth. Instead of counting calories, count the number of gifts your received that day.

So, which method should you choose?

That all depends on your situation such as motivation level, time available, kitchen skills etc. I’ve used both methods in the past and so have my clients. And not just for Holidays, but for vacations as well.

I will say that option one can result in a “burnout” if you’re not the type to go balls-to-the-wall. Also, if you’re a newbie or have a fragile ego then option 2 is definitely the better choice since seeing your weight steadily climb back up can mess with your head.

Here’s your plan of action

I’m going to give you access to a completely FREE fat loss course designed to help you drop 5 lbs in about 2 weeks. Click Here to find out more (Note: select “Burn Fat” as your goal to access the plan)

This two-week course is designed for those who are considering option two. Here’s how the timing would work:

Start two weeks before thanksgiving, and drop 5–7 lbs.

Gain 2–3 lbs after dinner, depending on your eating ability. (net loss of around 3 to 4lbs)

You may repeat the exact same cycle for Christmas and New Years if you wish. All you have to do is plan two weeks in advance and follow the plan to a “T”.

“How do I know this course actually works?”

While the results are of course, NOT typical, below is just one example of the hundreds of people that have tried this plan and have lost more than the claimed 5 lbs.

Good luck, and train hard. Don’t be the “average” person that keeps getting fatter this Holiday season. Reverse the trend, and take charge of you life.

Get Instant Access to the Free Fat Loss Course

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I lift things, write stuff and train champions. Want to work with me?Then click here to get started with a Free consultation. If you’re a right fit, I’ll consider taking you on as a client and get you in the best shape of your life.



Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss

Founder of Hardcore Training Solutions, held a National Deadlift Record, produces champions, and will beat you in flipcup. http://bit.ly/hardcoreTS