Bulletproof Willpower

A 30 day challenge to develop the ability to accomplish anything and everything you could possibly want

Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss


I’m in the fitness and nutrition field, which means I take those that are oversized, and turn them into good looking works of art.

And obviously, this comes with its fair share of challenges. But one challenge I encounter on the regular, is lack of willpower (usually with those just getting started.)

Willpower is the number one reason I see slip-ups in my clients’ food logs. Any time I’ve ever seen “a cookie,” “slice of cake,” “glass of beer” or any other nonsense that wasn’t on the plan, it is always accompanied by a comment such as “couldn’t help it,” or “…I had a rough day today,” or the ever-annoying “I was doing well but I couldn’t resist this one thing…”

Will these minor hiccups throw the whole thing off? Of course not. But I need to make sure this shit doesn’t build up into something that will cause a headache for me later on.

So what you’re about to learn, is a method that develops what I like to call, Bulletproof Willpower.

It will not only help your ability to follow a meal or a workout plan, but the benefits will spill over into every other area of your life.

You’ll get projects done.

You’ll keep you promises.

You’ll stop procrastinating.

Basically, you’ll become more awesome.

How this works

Science has shown that willpower is a finite resource; every time you wake up, you get a full tank of the stuff. Then, as your day chugs along, you start to burn it off.

What happens once you run out? Your body goes on auto-pilot. This is when the “lizard brain” takes over and makes you reach for crap you’d regularly reach for.

Then when you realize what you’ve done, you cry about it, and feel sorry for yourself. Just like every other AFL (Average Fat Loser).

But fear not, because there is hope.

While willpower may be a finite resource, the quantity that you are given every morning can be increased. This should be quite obvious, as we all know people that have a ridiculous amount of willpower and can get just about anything done.

But the million-dollar question is…

“How do we increase our willpower?”

Simple, we work the living shit out of it day in, and day out. While my earlier analogy compared willpower to fuel, it is also like a muscle. And like any other muscle, the more you use it, and the more stress you put it under, the stronger it grows.

Enter the 30 day challenge…

Step 1: Make a list of five non-perishable foods that you find absolutely irresistible. I’m talking like, as soon as you lay eyes on these foods, you gotta put em’ in your mouth like an anxious teething baby.

Here are some my favorites: Oreo cookies, Kettle Chips, Werthers Originals, Beef Jerky, Starbursts. Any one of these “foods” can make me salivate on the spot.

Step 2: Once you have your list, buy one of each item, and place this group of awesomeness somewhere you will see it on the daily. And I don’t mean just scatter it on your table, or throw it on a chair somewhere. I mean set it up in a way that looks downright attractive.

It should make you uncomfortable, it should make you sweat, it should make you want to rip open everything and pig out till you pass out (which shouldn't be too hard for you, eh?)

If you hold back during this step, this challenge will not work. It would be equivalent to lifting 3lbs pink dumbbells when your goal is to get jacked.

Step 3: Now comes the fun (miserable) part. Everytime you pass by this vast display, tempting you to come over and just take a bite, you are going to point (yes, with you finger) and say “NO!” … just as you would to a toddler that asked to have their first sip of rum and coke.

Every time you see this display, I want you to pretend it is a small child, barely 5 years old, asking you for a favor that you know is downright unacceptable.

One day is rum and coke, the next day it’s permission to look at pornographic magazine. The day after it’s to drive your car.

The more ridiculous, the better.

You may also repeat the “favor” this imaginary child asks of you. Maybe he’s a little freak that asks to look at Playboy every fucking day. It doesn’t matter. Your answer, as a responsible adult should always be a firm “NO!”

Say nothing more, say nothing less, and move on with your day.

If you ever slip, then first of all, you should never be a parent. And if you already are one, please give you child up for adoption because you are unfit.

But seriously, would you really let a child see the voluptuous tits of a featured Playboy Bunny? C’mon, at least wait till the little guy is 16!

Second of all, throw out the remainder of the product you just consumed and buy 2x as more as you did originally. So for example, if you had a few Doritos chips from one of the two bags that were on display, throw out the rest of the open bag and buy four bags this time. Now you should have a total of five on display.

Every time you slip, you double the amount of product that goes on your display, NO exception.

If you do this right, you will come out of this 30 day challenge with the ability to resist anything and everything that isn’t in your best interest.

Or you’ll come out broke and with a huge collection of junk food that you don’t know what to do with.

The good thing about this challenge is that if you succeed, it not only improves willpower, it puts things into perspective; after all, what threat can a cupcake pose on me, when I had to do battle with a bag of Oreos three times a day?

“If Oreos can’t get me, nothing can!”

If you have the guts, and you really want to develop massive amounts of willpower, do this challenge.

It will test you.

It will make men out of boys, and women out of girls.

When you finally have control over a majority of your day versus a majority of your day having control over you, your life will change.

You’ll get shit done.

You’ll always show up.

You’ll be admired, respected and wanted.

…and that always leads to getting what you want.

I lift things, write stuff and train champions. Want to work with me? Then click here for a FREE consultation. If you’re a good fit, I’ll consider taking you on as a client and change your life around in about 8 weeks.

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Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss

Founder of Hardcore Training Solutions, held a National Deadlift Record, produces champions, and will beat you in flipcup. http://bit.ly/hardcoreTS