The Simplest Diet In The Entire World

If you can’t follow this and drop weight, you’re seriously hopeless

Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss


Look, I get it — dieting is hard.

And complicated.

And confusing.

And sometimes, extremely fucking boring.

But those love handles aren’t going to shrink by themselves, so you know you need to watch what you eat. What’s worse, is that working out is only responsible for delivering about 30% of your results.

Hell, sometimes it’s as low as 20% since most people have no clue what to do in a gym, and end up looking like circus monkeys.

So where do you think 70 to 80 percent of your results come from?

Yep, you guessed it — your diet!

So it shouldn't take a genius to figure out that if you can get a handle on that 80 percent, then you’re 100 percent likely to have the body you want. And today, I have just the diet plan that will help you get there.

But before I give it to you, I need to warn you — it’s deceptively simple. So simple in fact, that 60% of people usually dismiss it because they cannot possibly conceive that “dieting” can be this easy.

It’s not even in their realm of reality. After all, mama taught us from a very young age that if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is, right?

Not in this case. Do exactly as I say, and you’ll see results. Hell, I’d even guarantee it, but you didn’t pay anything for this article, so I won’t.

Instead, I dare you to try it for the next 30 days. Ready for it?

Here it is: Eat only TWO meals a day

No snacking.

No cheating.

No bullshit.

Just two solid meals at any given point during the day and be done with it. If you want to make this diet “ideal,” make sure each of the two meals are balanced and include a source of protein, healthy fats and quality carbohydrates. Below is an example of a “good meal.”

Notice the source of protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, antioxidants (from the berries) and a glass of milk for extra quick-absorbing nutrition.

But that’s as far as I’ll go when it comes to specifics. Adding complexity to what is supposed to be the simplest diet in the world, is not the goal here.

Why this may also be the most effective diet in the world…

If you’ve read my earlier articles, then you know that the number of calories matter. It’s basically a LAW of weight loss — the less you eat, the more weight you’ll lose.

What the two-meal-a-day plan does, is essentially combine the law of weight loss into a simple plan you never have to think about; if you can count to two, you can be successful.

Let me give you an example of why this works so well: Let’s say that you hired me to train you, and I calculated that you need to consume 1500 calories a day to lose weight.


But here’s the thing, the average person consumes about 500-700 calories in a given meal. Maybe more if the food is really dense and has hidden calories which you can’t really feel (such as deep fried anything.)

So if you follow a simple plan of only eating two meals a day, the maximum amount of calories you’d most likely eat is 1400. Maybe slightly more, but the point is that regardless of what you do, the limit on the number of meals and your eating capacity automatically puts you in a deficit, without the added stresses of doing anything else complicated.

It’s basically foolproof

Go ahead, I dare you to make it fail.

And if you do manage to make this method fail, it’s because you ditched common sense completely — you probably had more than what fits on a regular sized plate, or used an extensively large plate, or ate to your absolute limits, or added useless “snacks” during the day.

None of which constitutes as only two meals per day.

You can apply loopholes to this method like any other, but if you apply common sense, it’ll work.

I’ve used this method as a starting point with clients for the past 10 years, and I’ve never had it fail.


What’s more, if you add a properly-designed workout on top and sprinkle on a little patience, you’re bound to drop about a pound a week. This may seem “trivial” but I bet it’s better than whatever you’re doing now. Plus, how can you beat the simplicity?

However, if you do want to progress at a faster rate (I’m talking 5lbs per week or more) then you should check out Flawless Fitness 2 — my Amazon best selling book (the 5 star reviews don’t lie)

I lift things, write stuff and train champions. Want to work with me? Then click here to get started with one of my FREE training programs.

If you survive, I’ll consider taking you on as a client.

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Coach Sahil M.
Diet & Weight Loss

Founder of Hardcore Training Solutions, held a National Deadlift Record, produces champions, and will beat you in flipcup.