Get Your Waist Slim with Slim-Be

Soumya Dhar
Health and Wellbeing
3 min readJan 27, 2015

Is your resolution to lose weight and diet through the new year slowly crumbling under the pressure of chocolate in every shape and form? Well we may have the ultimate solution to your problem. Read on to find out how we can help you!

The key to successful weight-loss should include:

  • Less calories in
  • More calories burned

What Could Help You on Your Quest for a Slim Waist?

Slim-Be is an instant drink mix and a weight-loss product which works to reduce your appetite. The pleasant strawberry or orange flavoured shot helps to make you feel fuller, which — at last — curbs your hunger!

Slim-Be has been proven to help you:

  • Eat less
  • Reduce your weight
  • Manage your weight

How Does Slim-Be Work?

Slim-Be contains an active ingredient called konjac, which is a glucomannan. Glucomannan is a sugar made from the root of the konjac plant, and works in the stomach and intestines to absorb water as well as slowly absorbing sugar and cholesterol from the stomach.

According to the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA), taking konjac, Slim-Be’s main active ingredient, will help you eat less, lose weight and manage your weight as part of a healthy eating regime.

Once you have had your Slim-Be shot (mixed in either water or milk), it will swell in your stomach, helping you to feel fuller for longer. This will definitely help you with stopping as many calories going in as possible!

Slim-Be is even suitable for people who are lactose intolerant, vegetarians, or who have diabetes.

Why Would Slim-Be Benefit You?

You will:

  • Eat less
  • Be in control
  • Reduce your weight quickly and safely
  • Feel full and not want to snack
  • Stay at the weight you want!

Try Slim-Be to see how much weight you can lose!

What Else Do You Need to Do to Lose Weight?

Though your appetite will shrink whilst taking the Slim-Be shots, it is very important that when you do eat meals, they should be filled with nutrients and are less than 500 calories.

A rule you may want to undertake is the red, orange and green rule, which means including food which is any of these colours in every meal. This should increase your intake in vegetables!

Skip the caffeine and fizzy drinks — what you should be doing instead is drinking two litres of water. By not drinking any excess, unnecessary calories, you can focus on keeping your body clean and free from sugar!

And while we’re on the subject of drinking, forget about fruit juice as a substitute for real fruit! It may say “1 of your 5 a day!” on the carton, but instead you should just eat more fruit. By eating fruit, you will stay satisfied for longer.

Finally, just keep on moving! Walk instead of drive, clean actively around the house, take dance breaks whilst making dinner, wriggle when you hoover…we’re sure you get the gist.

Let us know how your weight-watching is going in the comments box below. Good luck!

Originally published at



Soumya Dhar
Health and Wellbeing

I’m not crazy I’m just a little unwell,right now you can’t see but stay a little while with me and then you will see a different side of me.