Dieting Mistakes — Persuasive

Kamryn Domenick
Dieting and Fitness
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Many people think they know it all when it comes to what they eat. Choosing the salads, exercise everyday, and not eating at the appropriate times. Salads are a great light meal and they contain enough carbohydrates to control hunger. Adding in the high calorie stuff such as blue cheese dressing, walnuts, and fried crispy goods. When it comes to getting slimmer and watching what you eat most people resort to working out as it can burn fat quick however nutritionist say that when it comes to dieting 80% should be focused on the foods and only 20% on exercise. The best option is to eat smaller portion meals. When you skip a meal your muscles turn into a fuel source and your metabolism sinks and takes up most of your energy. Due to eating smaller portioned meals you tend to get more hungry. Snacking should occur every three to four hours, and of course make it healthy! Drinking water is key, substitute it for sugary sodas or juices. Water can help you manage your appetite. Studies show people who drank 2 or more glasses of water before a meal consumed up to 90 fewer calories. Having friends or family support you during your healthy change is vital because studies show women are more likely to make improvement.,,20584613,00.html

