Please, just get it out there.

Adam Mussa
Differential Experiences


Do you ever get bogged down in fine details before starting something new and challenging?

Funnily enough, I did it twice yesterday. I got called for an impromptu business trip to Japan, and before I’d even bought the flights I was Googling ‘the perfect travel backpack.’ Then again later when I was deciding to whether to use Medium or create a blog I hosted myself.

Both times I had to consciously notice my behaviour, calm myself down and remember I just needed to start taking action towards the object. If it was wrong I could always fix it later. Starting is all that mattered.

It made me realise that it’s so easy to start worrying about the steps ahead, because we’re scared about taking the first one.

For example, I Googled ‘facebook marketing tips’ and the front page was full of things like this:

There are so many opinions and checklists to read that so it’s easy to think ‘I’ll fail because I can’t do everything’ or ‘I don’t have the time to do all this!’ and just give up before you even try.

Once that doubt settles in, it eats away the enthusiasm and before you know it, you’re putting it off again…

The ‘But what about X?’ questions seem so important that we forget we just need to taking action — any action that moves you closer.

On day one nothing needs to be — or will be — perfect. It’s unlikely that you’ll be doing it the same way even a month from now.

All that matters is starting, and building momentum through repetition.

If the results aren’t what you want — that’s ok. You can regroup, rethink and move forward knowing the hardest battle has already been won. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel than when it was all bottled up inside you.

With a little self-awareness and practice you’ll know when you get bogged down in the how and refocus on what matters; the what and why.

Take a deep breath and get it out there. Right now.


  • It’s so easy to become overwhelmed when researching
  • Don’t worry about getting it perfect first time, you won’t
  • Take massive action today, don’t put it off til later



Adam Mussa
Differential Experiences

Digital Consultant. I love helping companies build experiences their customers love.