The Essence of Hands-On Child-Led Learning Approach

Safia Fatima Mohiuddin
Differentiation for Excellence
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Not all learners may prefer the read/write method of the traditional school system as the ideal way to gain knowledge. Many learners learn, using multi-modal strategies, thematic learning, information processing, with the five senses, and embodiment. Every child knows where lies their innate strength, bestowed by Almighty Allah (May He be Glorified). When given a chance, they are able to gravitate towards the thing that motivates them. Children are natural problem solvers. This intelligence allows them to understand, where they can succeed. It is the role of the educator to observe, provide feedback, and facilitate the learning process.

A child is like a plane, that wants to explore, while learning new ways to fly. When a plane flies by itself on autopilot, sensing the environment and adjusting plane controls, it achieves the most stable flight — learning while moving through the skies.

Being unable to incorporate learning preference into the process of learning, is just like an overuse of the elevators almost ripping off wings, or flying through turbulence at astounding airspeed. Learning can go on in the best way when it is led by the learner.

This is the essence of a child-led learning approach. Listen to what the child has to say when child-led learning is not encouraged by educators. A child, the plane, may prefer to explore the world, rather than taking instruction from the educator, the hijacker.

To the Hijacker of my Learning Exploration

Oh my honorable hijacker,

Let me explore the world,

Put me on autopilot,

I roll and my journey unfolds!

You fly with striking airspeed,

Through dense, turbulent clouds,

My weary nose looks faded,

and it fills me up with doubts.

Oh my honorable hijacker,

Let me explore the world,

Put me on autopilot,

I yaw and my journey unfolds.

My wings are torn and twisted,

With the overuse of my elevator,

You climb and climb and climb,

With a force greater and greater.

Oh my honorable hijacker,

Let me explore the world,

So let me do my pitch up,

I ascend, and my journey unfolds.



Safia Fatima Mohiuddin
Differentiation for Excellence

Researcher and Scientific Writer with over a decade of content development experience in Bioinformatics, Health Administration and Safety, AI, & Data Science.