The Inspiring Teaching and Learning Methods of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon Him

Safia Fatima Mohiuddin
Differentiation for Excellence
3 min readMay 21, 2024

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the last prophet, often known as the “seal of prophets”. Allah ﷻ sent him the message of Islam through angel Jibreel ﷺ. He is a guide for mankind. He taught the way to live an upright life, free from oppression and injustice.

Muhammad ﷺ belonged to a noble family of an Arab tribe called Quraysh. As a child, he detested the pagan ways of the Quraysh and was in search of the truth. In a time of widespread oppression, he was called “Al Amin” or the trustworthy as he had a natural predisposition towards honesty and sincerity. Allah ﷻ chose him to convey the message of Islam to Arabia and the world and honored him with the glorious and splendid Quran.

Angel Jibreel ﷺ got the Quran to Muhammad ﷺ in the form of revelations from time to time as Allah ﷻ sent them. Allah ﷻ wanted to teach several things about the different types of people, laws of justice in Islam, inspiring stories from the past, verses of protection, and many more subjects. The message of the Quran helps in differentiating the right from the wrong.

Muhammad ﷺ explained that Islam is not only a religion but also a way of life. Every act in his exemplary life is full of lessons for children and adults. He played many roles, caring for his family, tribe, and nation. His ideals, choices, and teachings reflect the best way to spend a happy and fulfilling life in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ.

Teaching and Learning Methods of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

The primary source of knowledge of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was divine revelation. His teachings addressed the whole person and the whole life. He taught about Islam, how to live, and how to work. He educated his companions, peace be upon them, in a learner-centric methodology, which was adaptable. Alkhayat and team (2014) discuss the scientific basis of the teaching methodology of Muhammad ﷺ. They summarize the following aspects that have relevance to contemporary instruction:

  • His teachings are valid regardless of time and place and emulate the essential elements of exploration, leadership, motivation, gradual approach in learning, and learner centricity.
  • His teaching style accommodated individual differences in terms of mindset, culture, and context as he communicated the message of Islam encompassing all aspects of life. The methods taught by the Prophet ﷺ come under the broad area of “Sunnah”.
  • His approach was practical and involved learners in the learning and teaching processes.
  • He was open to the culture and beliefs of other communities, and encouraged the participation of translators to communicate well with other tribes.
  • The use of intellect and learning of different sciences is highly encouraged in the Quran and Sunnah.
  • He used persuasion and brainstorming to solve problems, and often related parables and metaphors to teach moral values and social engagement.
  • He was a good role model and appreciated learners for their good work.
  • He encouraged competition to enforce best practices and excellence.
  • He used a gradual (step-by-step) approach to teaching and learning and designed learning based on individual differences. He varied rulings and attitudes based on personal ability and circumstance.
  • He used repetition when necessary, reasoning (such as cause and effect) in persuasive argument, and dialogue and discussion to enrich learning experiences.
  • He strictly forbade harm to anyone or reciprocating it in any way.
  • He created a positive environment by using wonder and enquiry.

Researchers indicate that such learner-centered models are relevant to current educational contexts and technology. They are relevant to all groups of learners from elementary, youth, to adult learners, and can be adapted to learner requirements.


Teaching and Learning Ways Used by Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H and Their Possible Implementation in Modern Learning Technologies


ﷺ : Arabic phrase referring to Prophet Muhammad and meaning “May the peace and blessings of Allah, the Exalted be on him” (pronounced “Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam”).

ﷻ : Arabic phrase referring to Allah and meaning “His Majesty” (pronounced “Jalla Jalaluh”)

ﷺ : Arabic phrase referring to the angels and meaning “peace be upon him” (pronounced “alayhis salaam”)



Safia Fatima Mohiuddin
Differentiation for Excellence

Researcher and Scientific Writer with over a decade of content development experience in Bioinformatics, Health Administration and Safety, AI, & Data Science.