Digital marketing training in lucknow
4 min readDec 24, 2020


What is SEO?
SEO or search engine optimization. It is the procedure of optimizing your web pages to make
them reach a high position in search engines like Bing and Google. SEO focused on
increasing the ranking in the organic, also called non-paid search results. If you have a
website and want to get more traffic, SEO is the digital marketing efforts backbone.
SEO involves the concerted effort of multiple departments within a company, organization,
marketing, design, and content production teams. Some SEO work involves business analysis
(such as comparing contents with competitors). A sizeable part depends on different search
engine’s ranking algorithms, which changes from time to time.
To make the website on the first page of search engine results, SEO needs to do on and off
the page.
While on-page SEO refers to the factors you can control on your website; on the other hand,
off-page refers to the page ranking factors that occur off your websites, such as backlinks
from other sites and many more.

What is the difference between on-page and off-page?
SEO consists of two most critical categories it on-page and off-page.
Think of it as the two branches of the letter "Y.." They are each unique and both important to
running a successful SEO campaign.
On-page SEO:
On-page search engine optimization (SEO) deals with the website's pages regarding content
and its back-end structure.
The on-page optimization role improves individual web pages to rank higher in search engine
results, driving suitable organic and targeted traffic to your website.
On-page SEO grants you control over the factors that affect ranking. Below is the list of the
most vital on-page SEO factors:
1. Meta descriptions
A meta description, a short paragraph of text informing search engines and website visitors
what the page is.
Meta descriptions were a mandatory factor for search engines in the past; however, today, the
Google algorithm can determine the page's meaning and content.
Google will create a meta description if there isn't any.
That said, attracting searchers and get them to click on your link still depends on the meta
description, and it is best to create eye-catching meta descriptions yourself.
Meta descriptions are unique to each page, having focused keywords and about 135–160
characters written in the active voice.
2. Title tags
Title tags inform visitors and search engines what the page is about and establish relevance.
Title tags are the most crucial on-page factors for SEO.
3. Phrases and keywords
Keywords are one of the foremost characteristics of on-page SEO.
As with other signals, keywords help search engines to identify what a page is. Although
today, the Google algorithm can determine what a page is about without specifying
Building and reaching a list of keywords to target is critical in SEO is an ongoing and ever-
changing procedure.
Off-page SEO:
Off-page SEO is the actions taken outside the website that affect search engine rankings; you
have less control over them.
Off-page consists of link-building. Link building can be acquired in various ways, from
outreach, guest blogging, participating in forums, and leaving comments on blogs.

The quality and number of links mentioning your website are still one of the top 3 signals to
be into consideration when Google ranks a site.
Google acknowledges backlinks to be a vote for your website. Backlinks are a vote of
confidence stating that someone outside your site trusts your content and finds it relevant to
link to it.
Below are some of the common off-page SEO tactics:
1. Social sharing
SEO does not have the SEO clout, as many people think it does.
Google affirmed that social signals are not a direct ranking factor. Google does not care how
many Facebook likes, Twitter follows, or contents share on social media when ranking a
Social media do provide indirect SEO benefits from:
 Social media assist you in building an audience for your website
 Increased inbound brands mention and links from online visibility
 Enhanced brand awareness from increased brand exposure to a bigger audience
Social media may not play a significant direct role in website ranking, but do not neglect it.
Social media allows you to build an audience for your site, and social selling does drive
2. Manual link-building
Manually reaching out and requesting the link is what manual link building is; these are not
occurring links, such as when you request a customer to link back to your website.
Another conventional tactic involves influencers in content creation, mentioning them in your
content piece or growing on a topic they discussed and requesting them to share it or link
back to you in their upcoming section.
3. Self-created links
Website submission to directories, leaving a comment on blogs, participating in forums, and
commenting whole adding the URL of your site of a page on your site as part of your online
signature are all examples of self-created links.
Excessively doing this may give you a penalty from Google; they may mark these activities
as black hat SEO.
You need to ensure that your comments and input in online communities and forums are
providing value. They should be self-promotional or spam, with the primary goal to earn a



Digital marketing training in lucknow

Digitalearn provide TRAINING program in Lucknow. In this Training program, you will get a chance to work on LIVE PROJECTS and you can enhance your skills.