Economic benefits of reducing Gas Emission

Diffusion Engineer Blog
4 min readMar 17, 2018

Steel is tough, strong and fierce. Its inflexibility makes it preferably capable of bearing a structural load.

For e.g. The famous Notre Dame Cathedral one of the wonders of the world has a capability of load bearing structure.

Picture of Notre Dame Cathedral

If one doesn’t use steel, the development of bridge and skyscraper would not be possible.

In any case, a composite of iron is irreplaceable in engineering segment.

Today, in the 21st century, demand for steel is high, compared to other time.

According to recent studies by Global steel body, crude steel production in November 2017 was 136.3 Million tons compared to November 2016. (131.5, MT) in world.

Crude steel production

In recent years, the interest for good quality standard steel has risen considerably.

For example, there is a requirement of different types of steel for industries like automobiles and aviation.

There are high demands for alloys, they are more tough and rigid and it can easily be stretched and can be shaped

Depending upon the demand of the buyer, steel can be soft, hard, anything.

In liquid steel, many harmful gases is dissolve, they can be dangerous for mechanical as well physical properties of steel.

So how we can get rid of these gases? Below are the solution given

• Vacuum degassing process

Once the steelmaking process is done, steel is further manufactured to treat these harmful gases, especially when it’s melted. (Liquid steel).

In order to remove the harmful gases from liquid steel, ‘’Degassing’’ term is used.

This process is done through Vacuum chamber.

Vacuum process has turned out to be especially productive for this reason

The pressure in the chamber is less, hence the gases run away to the surface of the steel. This is where they are evacuated by the suction of the vacuum system.

Pure oxygen may also be blown into a vacuum chamber, depending on the process selected. It also burns harmful toxic, which is also removed by the suction process.

To produce steam, a large amount of energy is needed

As of not long ago, the vacuum has been made utilizing steam jet ejector.

They are vigorous, reliable and not very expensive. The drawback is that lots of energy is needed to produce steam.

There are huge amounts of CO2 that are produced if the steam is processed in heated receptacles of oil or gas.

There are further disadvantages like taking quite a while to start the steam boiler.

Before that, steam is steadily supplied that is guaranteed and the steam ejectors takes time to get ready.

These units have to run regularly regardless if whether they are utilized for a couple of hours.

Systems of steam ejectors additionally comprise of spray condensers that generate wastewater and is polluted with dust.

During the maintenance of standard mechanical cleaning, steel vacuum degasser cannot be used.

Advanced Mechanical vacuum systems

An innovative switch that has occurred now is principally ascribed to the advancement of current, dry compression and two motors rotating in opposite direction aka, screw vacuum pumps.

In the course of degassing, toxic vapors of metals are produced. Hence, particulate dust in huge amounts is cool and consolidated.

Challenging part is that, after doing this much, the smooth working of the vacuum system is blocked because it pulls small particles of dust considering high volumes.

The pumps that are new are not at all sensitive to dust. This proves of the greatest advantage.

Dust particles are basically pushed towards the exhaust, through the new type of pumps.

Additionally, strong pumps perform even under the intense conditions winning in steelworks and very less maintenance is needed.

These strong pumps generate no wastewater and they altogether more energy-efficient in comparison with steam jet ejectors.

At last, the system provides a steady vacuum environment is created regardless of outside factors, for example, water temperature or surroundings.


In coming time, for steel works, first importance will be given to vacuum pumps.

These vacuum pumps are dependable and productive as a steam jet ejector.

These vacuum pumps help to cut down the operating costs and will make the process of degassing even more eco-friendly.

In the 21st century, vacuum pump will play an important role to maintain steel as a world’s leading material.

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