exploring, restoring, regenerating 2023

Bhakti Issa Urra
digest this with Reena
5 min readDec 9, 2023

2023 has exceeded all expectations and showered me with unimaginable generosity. As it draws to a close this Advent Season, there is much stacked up under the gift tree.

Over the course of a lifetime, several bedrock beliefs have been debunked and we are better informed now. Close friends or strangers, folks we have known forever or only just met have been here to surround, support, and sustain me. Not just in times of trouble but to rally through challenges and celebrate successes together — a world wide village that empowers me.

Creative Summit delegates foster ecotourism in our island home

Is a woman’s place in the home? That no longer seems the obvious option. At home or on the road, near or far — a woman’s place is hers to seek and build — any place, any way. Advancing into chosen territory — independent and free, unblocked and unburdened.

Each time our understanding of human nature becomes more expansive, we all become freer to live our best and most authentic lives. In the enlightened world we envision, every child will understand that living independently is a life path that can be truly joyful and fulfilling.

video courtesy of DOT Western Visayas

Within this celebrated circle of powerful and gifted women who inspire and amaze, I am in awe of them and their contribution as I journey and explore my way through life and its many twists and turns. They are the powerful wind beneath my wings that has taken me far and wide in my wildest dreams.

Because of our shared great love of our local food and Negros Island heritage I was led into the Slow Food movement and the Terra Madre Salone del Gusto network. Grass roots local movements that have grown into coalitions of global markets that have revolutionized food cultures around the world. Applying the practice to our local farming communities back here at home.

an urgent call to slow down

Slow Food through Terra Madre provides a new relationship with nature and in nature as a better alternative. Because food is the basic element that leads us back to the land — not just the soil and water, but also culture, sharing, pleasure. Food is the ideal link between nature and culture — we are what and how we consume and digest.

Beyond the talk for a fairer, cleaner food system, Slow Food also walks its talk — taking actionable steps with the Ark of Taste. Which protects the agrobiodiversity of natural ingredients and global traditional and culturally significant food products.

celebrate with us on December 10 — Terra Madre Day

This year encircled among communities, leaders and mentors that have taught me so much I have become a proud contributing part in significant changes that have pushed for these admirable projects.

Our very own Slow Food Negros community started the first Earth Market in the Philippines and continues to hold them every last Saturday of each month at our heritage home — Casa A. Gamboa in Silay.

We continue to host the Adobo Festival, held annually during the Cinco de Noviembre weekend. It features a spectacular culinary showcase that extols island culinary traditions, skills, practices, and culture. Other festivities include music, a food festival, cooking and recipe competitions, attractions for all ages, local arts and crafts sales.

The Adobo Festival has been carefully curated since its launch in 1998 and began featuring the very best aspects of this beloved dish and natural treasure for the past 26 years.

this year’s Adobo Festival

On November 15 to 19, at the 16th Negros Island Organic Farmers Festival: Regeneration for Future Generations, Terra Madre Visayas: Food and Culture Biodiversity was presented for the first time.

Terra Madre networks were launched by Slow Food grass roots organizations with the intent to provide needed support for small scale farmers, breeders, fishers and food artisans whose food production protect their environment and communities.

a translocal food advocacy in the Visayas

The network brings together these food producers with academics, cooks, consumers and youth groups to join their forces in improving the food system on a worldwide scale. When I first entered this arena I never felt alone — it threw my life wide open. I met so many interesting people who eagerly helped me find my way.

As independent entrepreneurs we have our freedom, and we use it to make the most of our resources and opportunities — however vast or meager they are we co-create and collaborate always. We get to decide the shape and contours of our lives, from our daily routines to life-altering transformations.

In tracking and tracing better access to enjoying local food sources — all good, clean, and fair — we get to pursue our interests and passions without trying to refashion or resize. Applying this collective philosophy and aim soon became my personal achievement too. I rest more secure knowing the part I had in this worthy enterprise.

a festive holiday spread for a special event

As an added bonus I have formed solid bonds with others as we resolved issues to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions. To counteract the rise of a fast-paced life and combat dwindling interest in the food we eat. Providing better sourced food and food choices that affect the world around us.

Noble goals that fill me to overflowing. It has been a joy to promote and preserve our traditional food. To spread the advocacy in Western Visayas as we encourage more communities in the practices of Slow Food. Providing more slow food itineraries.

Doing our part in mapping the Ark of Taste in the region. Avid support for Earth Markets, the Coffee Coalition, and Cooks Alliance. Producing more native food cookbooks.

Casa A. Gamboa facade & grounds

This fullhearted life is an authentic, meaningful, and rich existence. No other way of life will ever feel as profoundly satisfying. The pride and pleasure in my local roots and heritage fills me up constantly.

I love sharing it with many others who harbor the same interests. Together we have created an aspiring village — spreading far and wide.

Happy Holidays and season’s greetings — may we indulge in our gastronomical delights and delicacies with intention and purpose!

Originally published at https://ruraltreks.blogspot.com.



Bhakti Issa Urra
digest this with Reena

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed