
Anthology: Death and Uncontrollable Laughter

Digging Up Bones
2 min readJul 8, 2024


A black raven, symbolizing death, at rest with old city in background
Photo by Kasturi Roy on Unsplash

In reviewing some of my earlier writing, I discovered a certain theme: How differently I view the end of life. These stories are not morbid or excessively existential but do represent my somewhat unconventional take on the whole end of life thang. Despite middle-age, neuroses and depression, my hope is that my pragmatism and humor also shine through. Enjoy, I promise you won’t cry.

Black People, Death Debt and Crowd-funding

I’ve observed old traditions being usurped by a new collective mindset which has been helped along by technology and our own love of virtue-signaling. Maybe you’ve noticed the newer attitudes about personal and family responsibility and the belief that ‘My troubles are everyone’s problem too’.

Where are YOUR Friends?

An elegiac tribute to a discovery most unexpected. Maybe we should all rethink how easily we let friendships slide into oblivion and what we all lose when we do.



Digging Up Bones

5x Boosted! Black SistuhVillain born beneath an angry star who still acknowledges how fragile we are. MBA Refugee of Michigan's Corporate scene. Clap up to 50!