‘Digging Up Bones’ Early January

Coming up: More ways to add OLD stories

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones


2 min readJan 12, 2024


Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Thanks so much to all who contributed, read, clapped, highlighted, responded, and shared stories with others.

This pub would be nothing without any of you!

🍖Issue #6, going out Monday, Jan. 15, is not quite filled up yet — room for a few more stories.

Don’t forget to read the GUIDELINES before sending a story.


Starting immediately with Issue #6 — I’ll take single stories, as always, any of the USUAL TOPICS, OR a LIST (of 2–3) stories in a SPECIFIC TOPIC, which I’ll let you know ahead. Issue #6 FOR LISTS is ‘Fears and Phobias,’ more info below.

  • Single stories will be highlighted as always (story of your choice as long as it follows normal guidelines).
  • Lists with specific topic: will go into a special section on the bottom, but I’ll be limiting how many of these I can take. So get them in early.

NOTE: This is a faster way to get more stories out there to be read — new topic will be announced for each issue.

Please note: Single stories of any topic, providing they follow the guidelines, will still be highlighted as always. Nothing’s changed. We’re adding the LIST feature with topics. Only the LISTS will follow a topic.

LIST TOPIC for Issue #6 will be:
Fears and Phobias’

Still time to get yours in for Jan. 15 edition— it’s easy — I’m inviting you to give it a try.

All you need do, is choose 2–3 (no less, and no more) stories in the chosen topic, and put them into a List (follow normal guidelines).

Call your list: ‘Fears and Phobias — Your Name.” Then send me the link to your List only. That’s it!

❤️New New New — SPECIAL EDITION of ‘Digging Up Bones’ for February.

I’m calling it ‘My Funny Valentine’

The special editions we sent out for the Christmas/Holidays were so much fun and rewarding for all, we’re going to do another one for Valentine’s.

I don’t want the romantic, mushy stuff, I want the bloopers, humor, mistakes, missteps, embarrassing moments, failed attempts, etc.

note: Please read these SPECIAL GUIDELINES for ‘My Funny Valentine’ special edition, with all the info you need to send a story.

Issues will run throughout February. I’ll be collecting stories now and up to around the third week of February.

Never miss an issue or newsletter of ‘Digging Up Bones.’



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'