Old Stories

Guidelines for ‘My Funny Valentine’ — Special Edition of ‘Digging Up Bones’

Running through February — get your stories in now.

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2024


Everyone loves a good, romantic, happy-ending story for Valentine’s Day, right? NOT THIS TIME!!!!!

Picture of a broken heart.
Photo by Marah Bashir on Unsplash

We’re going to read and write plenty of those mushy, romantic stories.

How about Valentine’s day / romantic events and encounters that DIDN’T TURN OUT SO WELL, or were ridiculous or embarrassing!

What I would like is:

Stories that are funny, bizarre, hilarious, ridiculous, humiliating, embarrassing — you know, bloopers, real life mistakes, even dangerous — the moments in our lives where we do goofy stuff and sometimes wish we hadn’t and maybe could laugh about it now!

SO LET’S FIND: Relationship Stories / Valentine’s Day Bloopers / Wedding Proposals/ the “one who got away” stories — which you’ve already written on Medium and are at least FOUR months old.

The funnier or more humiliating — the better.

🔴PLEASE read the following before you send something:



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and walking. My publications are about keeping good stories at the forefront for all to read and re-read.