Late March ‘Digging Newsletter’

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones
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4 min readApr 25, 2024

!New! Special Edition for the month of May — start digging guys!

Photo by Zan Lazarevic on Unsplash

First let me thank everyone for their continued support and stories. Without you wonderful authors and editors, I could not keep this publication going.

However, I’m BEGGING you all to please read the guidelines before sending something. I’ve had to turn down stories due to cursing, too much pushing of religion or politics, affiliate links, and tons of CTAs.

I just want stories. The guidelines tell you everything you need, if you’re not sure, please just ask.

New Topic in Each Issue (extra, not mandatory)

Before an issue is sent out, I let everyone know ahead what the special topic is for the ‘List’ feature.

Maybe I confused people with the List feature. I seem to have.

The List feature is nothing more than giving you the opportunity to send more than one story at a time (2 to 3) in a LIST, for a specific topic — in addition TO or INSTEAD of a regular story.

I don’t know how to say this any differently. I’m sorry if I confused everyone. Live and learn, right!?

The topic for an upcoming issue will be mentioned in the current issue of ‘Digging’ and also be found in the guidelines, which I update regularly. If you send a topic story in late, no worries, it’ll still be highlighted somewhere in the next issue.

PLEASE keep in mind, you may send any story at any time, if it meets the requirements.

Let me say it again — You may always send any story if it follows regular guidelinesbut if you wish to send one for the ‘topic’ of that issue, you may send a single story or put 2–3 in a List, and send the List. If you do that, please label it like this: Topic — Your Name (i.e., Insects — VM Landi).

Topics for the coming up issue will be in the Guidelines, as well as in the current issue of ‘Digging Up Bones.’

On another note —

Special Editions — we have one coming up in May!

The only exception to our regular issues (with regular stories and extra topic stories) is when I run a SPECIAL EDITION of ‘Digging Up Bones’ which could be for a holiday, season, or for fun.

We published a few Special Editions in previous months: One for the Holidays and one for Valentine’s. It’s time for another!

MAY — Special Edition — ‘Bloopers and Embarrassing Moments’

You know, embarrassing, humiliating, bloopers, poor judgement days, stuff you wish you hadn’t done and hope everyone forgot, and so on.

When I started digging through mine I thought I would find one or two — it turned out I have more than that — you probably have a few also, please dig them up and send the URL.

It will run throughout May, with as many issues as needed based on how many stories we receive.

The first issue is almost ready to go! Keep ’em coming!!!!

June — Regular ‘Digging’ editions are back

Then June we’ll go back to our regular Issues —

YOU MAY SEND STORIES NOW for the June regular issue, or for the SPECIAL BLOOPERS EDITION issues. For a better description of what we want for these special edition issues, please read the Guidelines.

I hope I clarified everything. Feel free to ask if you’re not sure.

Whew! Lots of stuff. I enjoy highlighting old stories and wish to keep this publication going. I know we’re all busy, but it’s so much easier for you to take a look through your stuff that may be appropriate than for me to.

Thanks, everyone for your continued support, please take a moment to read info below.

OPTIONS to continue receiving my stuff:

  • EMAIL: To receive an EMAIL whenever I write ANYTHING, click here.
  • click the ‘envelope’ icon next to my profile, lower right.
  • NEWSLETTER: I’m told there’s an option on my publication to receive Newsletters? I don’t know, I can’t see it as I’m the author, I’ve been told. If anyone does see it, let me know, please.

Join My Favorites

  • To save only the ‘Digging Up Bones’ stories: Click here, then ‘save list.’
  • To save only the ‘Women Who Use Tools’ stories, Click Here, then ‘save list.’
  • To save only the ‘Dancing Through My Life’ stories, Click Here, then ‘save list.’

Then — be sure to check ‘New stories from lists you’ve saved.’

Click on your Profile, open Settings in the Drop Down, then Notifcations from the Nav bar across the top — easy peasy. While you’re there, be sure to check off any other pertinent boxes so you don’t miss anything.

Happy Reading!



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'