
Late March ‘Digging Up Bones’ Newsletter

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones
Published in
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4 min readMar 22, 2024


Still digging — how about you all — got some stories for this pub?

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Slow digging recently

Stories are coming in a little slower these days, I guess everyone’s becoming busier with Spring in the air. I’ve had to dig a few up myself, so please, keep the stories coming.

For the time-being, I’m going to publish a new issue every other week, give or take, until stories come in a little faster. It takes time for me to dig them up myself, when I’m not sure what I’m digging for.

So if you guys have a story that would work, please send it!

Guidelines for ‘Digging Up Bones’

Topic section (optional)

In each issue I feature a new Topic — to be used or not — all older stories (at least four months old), are still welcome. I just thought it would be fun to give you all a topic / prompt for fresh ideas.

ISSUE #12’s topic — A good ‘FOOD-RELATED’ story

I don’t want recipes, I want the details of a story with all its gory details, spectacular accomplishments, funny, embarrassing, and ridiculous days of cooking, baking, buffet mishaps — that centered around food.

Working on issue 12 now, still time to send your story.

ISSUE #13’s topic — Life’s Hard Lessons —

Have you ever been scammed or almost scammed, bullied, duped, made a fool of — then this is the place to send your already-published on Medium story. We all feel foolish when something like this happens, so let’s share some empathy for each other.

ISSUE #14’S Topic — Insect Encounters

You know, insects in the house, insects biting you, bee stings, hornets nests, the works. Whatever you have, (no fatality stories), but I would like embarrassing, ridiculous, scary, rashes, invasions, how you managed to remove the problem — throw them at me.

I’m so looking forward to this with Spring coming — I’ll even take stories less than three months old and 2–8 minutes long for this issue. Just send the URL!

My Other Publications — for new AND now also old stories, too.

I’m always looking for writers for my other publications so I’m mentioning them below. As with my ‘Digging Up Tools’ pub, I will be looking for older stories for these pubs in addition to newer stories.

How to send OLD stories — same as for ‘Digging’ — send the URL from your already-published Medium story.

‘Dancing My Way Through Life’ Publication

If you’re a dancer, wannabe dancer, was a dancer, know some dance stories, or you love to exercise and have some stories to tell —

Ask to be a writer for ‘Dancing My Way Through Life’ in the comments below.

Guidelines for ‘Dancing My Way Through Life’

NEW! ‘Women Who Use Tools’ Publication— just created

Of course, anyone could enjoy reading these stories, and I think we’ll be receiving some really interesting articles.

The stories in this publication will be about girls and women who use tools and love building stuff, especially with wood — but —

I’ve added two new columns to this by special request:
— Women Who Use Tools for Crafting, and
— Women Who Use Unusual Kitchen Tools (I do love my kitchen tools!)

Ask to be a writer for ‘Women Who Use Tools’ in the comments below.

Guidelines for ‘Women Who Use Tools

Follow Me — Several Ways

Of course, you may follow me if you don’t already, but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll see new entries to my publications. That will be a hit or miss, based on Medium’s algorithm, which is quite a small percentage of randomly chosen followers!


Sign up to receive an email anytime I publish anything. But you may not want to read everything, so here’s another way to zero in on just what you like.


With specific lists, you’ll be notified each time a story is added .

Lists are where I keep every issue, newsletter, and guidelines for all my publications. Choose one or all by clicking on a list below, then hit “Save List.”

List for ‘Digging Up Bones’ Publication only.

List for ‘Dancing My Way Through Life’ Publication only.

List for ‘Women Who Use Tools’ Publication only.

List to My Boosted Stories only.

Feel free to comment on this newsletter, send stories, highlight. I appreciate everyone’s interest and thoughts.

Have a question, please feel free to ask.

Happy reading!



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'