Old stories

Mid-February ‘Digging Up Bones’ Newsletter

And do I have a ton of stuff to tell you all

Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

‘My Funny Valentine’ — special edition of ‘Digging Up Bones’ — February only — going well!

It’s been a busy month of reading valentine’s stories for this special edition of ‘Digging up Bones.’

I’ve gotten many contributions, and in some cases went digging on my own. As of today, there have been three issues sent out, and I’m planning one more for next week. It’s not too late to send a story or two.

Guidelines for ‘My Funny Valentine’

‘Digging Up Bones’ regular issues — back in March

I’ve got the next issue of our regular ‘Digging Up Bones’ ready to go. Again, sometimes I go digging for some because I know everyone’s busy. I wish I had the time to do more, so please, keep the stories coming.

Guidelines for ‘Digging Up Bones’

My Other Publications — for new AND now old stories, too.

I’m always looking for writers to write new stories for my other publications


NOW — accepting old stories for all publications to be highlighted so more eyes could read them.

‘Dancing for My Life’ Publication

This one was started a while ago, and I am always looking for more dance and exercise stories.

If you’re a dancer, wannabe dancer, was a dancer, know some dance stories, or you love to exercise and have some stories to tell, ask to be added as a writer to this pub in the comments below. Wait for a response from me, then follow steps to send the draft.

Already have a story published on Medium? Good!!!!

Send the URL, just like you do for ‘Digging Up Bones’ and I’ll highlight it in a story or newsletter.

Guidelines for ‘Dancing for My Life’

NEW! ‘Women Who Use Tools’ — just created

The stories in this publication will be about girls and women who use tools and love building stuff, especially with wood.

Of course, anyone could enjoy them, as I think we’ll be receiving some really interesting articles. And if you have a story about a woman you know who built something, write the story and send it.

Why women with tools, you ask? I took up carpentry at some point and built a ton of stuff — from wall shelves, dog houses, and planters — to decks and porches.

I’ve been wanting to create a spot for these types of stories for a while now — and finally found the time and encouragement to do so.

I believe we all have stories to tell and I’d love to fill the pages with them.

I’ll take the funny stuff, the serious stuff, the good and the bad, the successes and failures, the mistakes, the useful, the ugly — hopefully with pictures.

Just ask to be a writer for ‘Women Who Use Tools’ in the comments below. Wait for a response from me, then follow steps to send the draft.

Already sent this type of story to Medium? Cool!

Send the URL directly to the comments below, and I’ll highlight it in a story or newsletter.

Guidelines for ‘Women Who Use Tools


Unfortunately, or fortunately, I’m making the decision to eliminate tagging. If your story gets highlighted in one my publications, you will be automatically notified as your name will serve as a tag, but I will no longer be using a ‘tag blanket’ after February.

I’ve heard several times that it’s considered spamming by Medium, and I think sooner or later they are going to end the practice, so before that happens I want to give everyone a chance to find me another way.

Follow Me

Of course, you may follow me if you don’t already, but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll see new entries to my publications. That will be a hit or miss, based on Medium’s algorithm.

There’s email

Sign up to receive my emails anytime I publish anything. But you may not want to read everything I publish, so here’s another way to zero in on just what you like.


Never miss a story for a specific publication. Each time a story is added to a list, you’ll be notified — no need to add you to a tag blanket.

But — you have to add yourself, I cannot do that for you. It’s really easy.

Lists are where I keep every issue, newsletter, and guidelines for all my publications. Choose one or all by clicking on it.

Then move over to the right and click on the first icon called ‘Save List.” That’s it. I’m hearing this is working well for many.

List for ‘Digging Up Bones’ Publication

List for ‘Dancing Through My Life’ Publication

List for ‘Women Who Use Tools’ Publication

List to My Boosted Stories only

In the meantime, here we go.

Feel free to comment to this newsletter. Have a question, please feel free to ask. Happy reading!



Vera-Marie Landi
Digging Up Bones

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and walking. My publications are about keeping good stories at the forefront for all to read and re-read.