5 essential ChatGPT prompts every communications professional should use

Carwyn Williams
Digi Comms AI
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2024
An illustration of a communication professional at a desk with digital tools, AI icons, chat bubbles, and lightbulbs.

As with all new things, it’s really hard to know where to start.

AI tools are amazing, if you know what to do and how to do it. But more than that, it’s about making it a part of your daily habit.

I used to use them occasionally, forget it exists for a month, then use it again for a week. And on and on.

And it’s because I wasn’t really sure what to ask.

It’s a little bit like when Google Earth launched with Street View. Here was a tool that meant you could explore everywhere on earth.

And everyone searched for their house. With too many places to explore, only the familiarity is an option.

Here’s a few prompts to ask Chat GPT which will make your life easier and get you in the habit of using an AI generative text tool.

Give me a good title for this blog post

Coming up with catchy and effective titles can be challenging. ChatGPT can quickly generate several options for you to choose from, saving you time and helping you craft titles that capture your audience’s attention.

Just provide a brief description of your content, and let AI do the rest. Or upload your post and ask it for a few title options.

Example prompt

Suggest 3 catchy title for a blog post about the benefits of using AI tools for communication professionals.

Alt-text for this image

This is hands down my favourite way to use generative AI. Image descriptions can be difficult to get right — they’re quite boring to write and I always find myself doing it quickly when I’m ready to publish.

But having a great alt-text really supercharges your content. It helps people who use assistive technology access your content, and it also be a key part of SEO.

Image uploads are a little limited but is available for free on Chat GPT.

Upload your image and ask:

‘Give me an alt text for this image.’

For much better results, give it a little more context.

Think about:

1. What tone of voice does your brand talk in?

2. A basic framework for consistency — I like Object, Action, Context.

3. Where the image and description are going to be published

4. Any key features that you want included

Alt-text shouldn’t be too long. Google only uses the first 125 characters in an image description to rank the image and page so you can ask it to limit its response.

But always make it as long as it needs to be, don’t get caught down by this limit.

Example prompt

For this image, I want a friendly alt-text. You should use the object, action, context framework. The image is going with a post on Facebook, and you should make sure to mention the lemons. Put keywords in the first 125 characters.

Make 5 social media posts for this

Social media content can be time-consuming to create, but with ChatGPT, you can streamline the process. Ask ChatGPT to generate multiple social media posts for a specific topic, event, or piece of content.

You can also take this a step further by using posts that have done well in the past. Go through your social analytics and choose your best-performing posts. Copy and paste this into Chat GPT.

Example prompt

Make 3 more versions of this post with different calls to action.

Make this easier to read

Whether you’re working on a blog post, a press release, or an internal memo, clarity is key. ChatGPT can help simplify complex text, making it more accessible and engaging for your audience.

Example prompt

Rewrite this paragraph to make it easier to read? The original text is quite dense and technical. It should have a reading age of around Grade 8.

Generate an image for this blog post

Visual content is a powerful way to engage your audience, but not everyone has the skills or resources to create professional graphics. ChatGPT, in conjunction with image generation tools, can help you create appealing images for your blog posts, social media, and other content.

Example prompt

Here’s my blog post. Make me an image to use with it on my website for comms professionals working with AI.

Create a communications plan

A well-structured communications plan is crucial for the success of any campaign. ChatGPT can assist in outlining a detailed plan, ensuring that all critical components are covered.

Getting a first draft down can be the most difficult part of a comms plan. I know it is for me, I spend ages looking at a blank page and faffing over structure for too long. This takes all of that away.

Example prompt

Help me draft a communications plan for our new product launch. Include key messages, target audiences, channels, and timelines. Ask me follow up questions to help you.

