Meet the DigiCol Core Team

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6 min readOct 15, 2020

Non-fungible token (NFT) interest has been surging. DigiCol has put together a star-studded team to design and deploy the infrastructure to handle the next wave of NFT adoption.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have typically faced stiff technical barriers to creating NFTs as sophisticated coding skills have been required for creation. The DigiCol platform will change this by empowering users to create and trade NFTs with one-click.

DigiCol creators will also be able to launch their NFTs into a marketplace. Moreover, creators will be rewarded every time their NFT is traded and those who hold NFTs will be compensated for showcasing their portfolio on the DigiCol platform.

Launching DigiCol and reshaping how enthusiasts interact with NFTs will demand a core team that has deep expertise. The DigiCol core team is deeply experienced with planning a digital business with a strong product-market fit while also executing an effective marketing launch.

The DigiCol CEO has spent over three years working with Asia’s biggest enterprises to design their digital businesses in the areas of blockchain and Fintech. The COO and CMO are co-founders of one of Asia’s leading blockchain marketing agencies and have helped multi-million dollar blockchain projects gain exposure in the Japanese and Korean markets.

Moreover, DigiCol is advised by a prominent professional who has held executive roles at some of the biggest enterprises in the world. Andy Cheung — former COO at leading crypto exchange OKEx — held an executive role at Groupon for over five years and previously worked in a management role at Alibaba.

Andy acting as an advisor to DigiCol is a huge testament to the project’s potential to reshape the way blockchain users create and trade NFTs. Andy highlighted how he foresees the NFT market size growing immensely as he speculates every art piece also requiring an accompanying NFT –

“DigiCol is really focusing on digitalizing the collectibles industry. It is revolutionizing how artists interact with collectors. In the near future, every art piece must come with a NFT for digital proof of authentication. Looking at the global market size of art and collectibles and with the uprising market of digital ones, you can imagine the enormous opportunity that DigiCol is exploiting.”

The executive team of DigiCol shares Andy’s vision of a rapidly growing NFT market. Their track record of success in the finance, technology, and marketing world uniquely place them as the frontrunners to create the infrastructure for the next wave of NFT adoption.

Eric Shim — CEO

Shim is a perfectly-suited CEO to ensure that DigiCol evolves into the leading NFT creation and trading platform. Eric has spent the past three years at Hanwha Group helping financial enterprises optimise their digital strategy.

Hanwha Group is a business behemoth in Korea and works with some of Asia’s largest enterprises. Eric has vast expertise guiding the implementation of blockchain infrastructure within these enterprises. Eric is also deeply experienced with optimising the business model for digital services within these enterprises.

With a track record of guiding leading enterprises to successfully deploy various digital businesses, Eric is prepared to lead the efforts to design and deploy DigiCol. Through his experience working these enterprises, Eric has a deep understanding of when to persist with a business plan or how to successfully pivot if necessary.

Henry Joo — COO

COO Henry is deeply familiar with launching emerging decentralized products into the Japanese and South Korean markets. These markets are extremely important for cryptocurrency projects given the extremely high level of activity from retail investors in these markets.

Henry is also the co-founder of leading blockchain marketing agency Firm9zero. This firm has overseen the marketing and deployment strategy of countless multi-million dollar blockchain projects. For instance, the marketing strategy of WAX Blockchain — a decentralized marketplace for trading online gaming items — was overseen by Firm9zero. WAX currently has a market cap of over $55 million.

As part of operating Firm9zero, Henry has overseen several successful fundraising rounds, assisted with designing the economic models behind token distributions, and has had an extremely active role in the marketing campaigns of all Firm9zero clients. Firm9zero has also cooperated with the Japanese blockchain division of social media giant Weibo.

Heny was also directly involved with the incubation and launch of Pokemon Go in the Japanese market. Pokemon Go quickly became a viral phenomenon in the Japanese market and Henry played a key role in ensuring that the application was optimized for the domestic market. These skills of optimizing applications for specific markets will transition to DigiCol’s marketing strategy as the core team deploy the product in different markets.

DigiCol users and stakeholders can be confident that a deeply experienced professional will be overseeing the operations of this next-generation NFT infrastructure. With expertise guiding the release of a myriad of blockchain projects, Henry is the perfect COO to ensure that DigiCol operates optimally and is marketed effectively.

David Lee — CMO

CMO David Lee is a fellow co-founder of Firm9zero. In addition to having an active role in all of the responsibilities associated with running a leading blockchain marketing agency, David is also an accomplished builder in the startup world.

David has experience designing and delivering startups in both the Western and Asian markets. His exceptional ability has been recognized in even the world’s epicentre of startup activity. In 2017, David was awarded first place in the Silicon Valley startup competition at San Jose University. The calibre of David’s startup was further rewarded with a seed round investment from the Korean government and he also received accolades from Korea’s Minister of Education.

In recent years, David has focused his efforts on turning Firm9zero into one of Asia’s leading blockchain marketing agencies. After receiving prestigious recognition in the startup world and successfully building Firm9zero, David will turn his efforts to overseeing DigiCol’s marketing strategy. With David’s vast experience in the startup and marketing world, DigiCol is destined to make a substantial marketing splash as launch approaches.

Andy Cheung — Advisor

With Andy’s guidance, the executive team has access to the experience of a professional who has operated at the highest echelons of the tech enterprise world. Andy acted in executive roles for over five years in some of the world’s leading technology companies.

Andy is also deeply familiar with the cryptocurrency industry after leading OKEx’s operations as COO for roughly three years. Andy’s effective oversight of operations was largely responsible for OKEx rising to rank among the leading crypto spot and derivatives exchanges.

With Andy’s vast experience building successful enterprises, the DigiCol team will have access to extremely valuable guidance in the lead-up to and after product launch. Andy’s advisor role combined with a strongly skilled core team establishes a solid foundation for success in the lead-up to the launch of the DigiCol platform.




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