Staking DGCL

Learn about all the options available and their APYs for staking DGCL

2 min readJun 23, 2021


Update: The APY for DGCL Uniswap staking has increased from 50% to 100%! This change will apply from June 24. DGCL holders can simply stake the tokens by providing liquidity into the DGCL-ETH and DGCL-WBTC liquidity pools. Our system will calculate the rewards automatically and payout at the end of months.

We are happy to offer more options of staking DGCL. This article aims to summarize the options available for users who are interested in staking DGCL.

DGCL users can either stake their tokens at Uniswap or DefiCliq. Two different APYs are offered but they also come with different requirements.

While we offer a higher APY for staking DGCL at Uniswap, users are also required to provide liquidity (equal value of ETH) to the DGCL pool. For users who would not prefer to do so, DefiCliq might be a better choice.




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