How to Connect Two Bluetooth Headphones to a Laptop

Madiha Jamal
Published in
6 min readAug 25, 2020


The usage of headphones has become a common practice in this modern age. There are many upgraded models available in the market with the capability to connect with any device. You can easily connect multiple wired headphones to a laptop using a splitter.

What if you want to go wireless?

Well, that can be challenging, but not impossible.

Thanks to advanced technology.

Whether you want to enjoy actionable games with a friend or connect with two people on the same call in an enterprise setting, you need to connect two headphones at a time.

But, it’s always frustrating when you realize that it’s not as simple as merely pairing the devices.

The good news?

I have got some smart tips for you.

Check them out.

Use an External Bluetooth Signal Emitter

The pre-installed Bluetooth device in your Laptop may not be strong enough to connect two headsets simultaneously with better audio quality.

