(in English)

Åke Nygren
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2017

Information på svenska här!

Here we inform about the Data Detox concept and The Glass Room Experience— a pop-up exhibition about our lives online, developed by Tactical Technology Collective together with La Loma, and with support by Mozilla.

Our ambition is to monitor what’s happening in the area, investigate how the concept can be developed further in Sweden and share information about how to create engaging pop-up learning environments for increased digital empowerment.

The website is developed by the Digital Library at Stockholm City Library in collaboration with Uppsala University Library.

Data Detox Kit: eight days of digital cleansing
Data Detox Bar: Discover your digital footsteps
The Glass Room Experience: A pop up exhibition about our lives online


Data Detox Bar @ Sture Library (May 22, 2018).
The Glass Room Experience @ Uppsala University Library (21–25 May 2018)
The Glass Room Experience @ All Digital Week 2018: exhibitions, lectures and workshops on digital integrity in the libraries of Hornstull and Kista.
Presentation on MIL & Democracy @ Digidelcenter, Motala Library (November 2017)
Data Detox Bar: Reaching out to the digitally vulnerable at Mozilla Festival (27–29 October 2017)
Study visit at The Glass Room, an exhibition commissioned by Tactical Tech Collective, supported by Mozilla. (London, October 2017)
Presentation about Stockholm Public Library’s Data Detox Project @ Internet Librarian International Conference (London 17–18 October)
MIL Education on Digital Integrity / Data Detox for Stockholm Public Library Employees (Autumn 2017)


Åke Nygren, project leader
Digitala biblioteket, Stockholms stadsbibliotek
ake.nygren @
Mobil: +46761231206
Twitter: @ssb_digibib

Karolina Andersdotter, bibliotekarie
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, Karin Boye-biblioteket

The Glass Room and the Data Detox Kit are concepts and services developed by Tactical Technology Collective in collaboration with Mozilla.



Åke Nygren

Coordinator Digital Competence Development, Stockholm Public Library