Jr. Developer Adapting Process

Hasan Berat Gurbuz
Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2023

Hi folks, in this writing you will see what a Jr. Developer should/shouldn’t do first times at first job experience. In today’s world, generally, people struggle in the first years of working. However, some people pass this period with damage, others less. People who take less damage in this period, can show their potential easily and improve themselves faster than others. There are several methods, searches, and papers on how to adapt fast. I will show some of these which belong to the programmers’ world in this writing.

In our world, we called Jr. Developer who faces this time period may adapt fast if he/she be aware of titles such as:

● Asking questions

● Being a guest

● Language

● If you know, let them know.

● Don’t try to be a hero.

● Don’t take every job, create time for self-improving.

Let’s look over these titles together :) !

PS: This writing is based on my and several senior developer’s experience. Also, used some references to support this writing.

Asking Questions

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.” — Albert Einstein

Entering the professional world as a Jr. Developer means embracing a learning mindset. Don’t shy away from asking questions when faced with uncertainty. Questions are not a sign of weakness; rather, they are a powerful tool for gaining insights and expanding your knowledge. Remember, it’s better to ask a ‘dumb’ question than to make a ‘dumb’ mistake. As you navigate your early career, that curiosity fuels innovation.

Being a Guest

Entering a new workplace is like to being a guest at someone’s house. Approach each project with humility and the willingness to learn. Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of staying hungry and foolish. Be hungry for knowledge and remain foolish in the sense of being open to new ideas. Being a guest means respecting the established practices while bringing your unique perspective to the table.


In the world of programming, language is not just about the code you write but also the communication you establish. Effective communication is key to successful teamwork. As George Bernard Shaw once stated, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Ensure you articulate your thoughts clearly and listen actively to others. This skill is as vital as writing impeccable code.

If You Know, Let Them Know

Confidence is commendable, but arrogance can be detrimental. If you possess knowledge or skills, don’t keep them a secret. Share your insights and contribute to the collective growth of the team. As Isaac Newton put it, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Acknowledge the expertise around you and be a willing contributor to the collaborative effort.

Don’t Try To Be a Hero

Ambition is admirable, but attempting to be a hero by shouldering more than you can handle may lead to burnout. As Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben wisely said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Understand your limits, communicate effectively about your workload, and seek assistance when needed. A team’s success is built on collective effort rather than individual heroics.

Don’t Take Every Job, Create Time For Self-Improving

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” — Bill Gates

Quality over quantity is a principle that holds true in software development. It’s tempting to take on every task to prove your worth, but it’s equally important to allocate time for self-improvement. However, Bill Gates reminds us that learning from both successes and failures is crucial for growth. Strive for quality over quantity. Allocate time for self-improvement, reflecting on lessons learned, and continuously refining your skills. A balance between project work and personal development ensures long-term success.


In conclusion, the early stages of a Jr. Developer’s career are not just about coding; they are about adapting to a professional environment, communicating effectively, and nurturing a mindset of continuous improvement. By embracing these principles and learning from the wisdom of iconic figures, you can navigate your career with resilience and emerge as a valuable asset to your team.


Book: The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition

