Diginex and the Mekong Club join forces with Verifik8 and British Government to pilot blockchain project

Diginex Global


February 13, 2019

Diginex, a global blockchain solutions company and the Mekong Club, an anti-slavery NGO, have joined forces with data analytics platform Verifik8 to pilot eMin in Thailand. eMin is a blockchain-based app designed to take a significant step towards improving the lives of migrant workers and to reduce the chances of exploitation, by engaging both the private and public sectors.

The pilot, which has been funded in part by the British Embassy in Bangkok, will take eMin into the next stage of its evolution and into the field to be tested by agriculture workers this month.

eMin was developed by Diginex, in partnership with the Mekong Club, and is designed to protect migrant workers and increase supply chain transparency. eMin enhances trust, transparency and security in the worker recruitment process by storing an immutable copy of employment contracts and employment terms on the Ethereum blockchain.

Mr. Mark Blick, Head of Government Solutions at Diginex, said: “Taking eMin into the field is vital to ensure that we are able to iron out any usability issues before we rollout the platform on a large scale. Up until now, the response from corporations with complex supply chains has been extremely positive. eMin not only protects workers from exploitation but also gives large retailers and manufacturers the peace of mind that they are complying with the many global regulations that aim to tackle this issue by creating a single source of truth regarding worker contracts.”

Over the past few years, regulators in the UK, France, Australia and the US have passed legislation requiring businesses to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. Failure to comply has resulted in large fines, containment of products at port and significant losses due to reputational damage.

Verifik8, which provides data intelligence and analytics for agribusiness suppliers, will facilitate the pilot on the ground in Thailand. Verifik8, which was launched by Bangkok-based Fairagora, has already facilitated a number of pilots on behalf of Southeast Asian and international companies including Thai Union, Pepsico and Nestlé.

Verifik8’s CEO, Ms. Emmanuelle Bourgois, says: “We are delighted to partner with Diginex and the Mekong Club to pilot eMin on the ground in Thailand. We have in-depth experience of gaining the trust of local agriculture businesses and their workers to ensure their rights are protected with data collection tools for social and environmental accountability.”

The Mekong Club’s CEO, Mr. Matt Friedman, added: “This pilot is the runway to mass adoption of technology that could protect the rights of millions of people who are ensnared by forced labour situations every year. Currently, there are 40 million people trapped in modern slavery and only 0.2% of these are helped every year. We can do so much better than this. I believe that this solution is the beginning of that.”

To learn more about eMin, visit the website: https://www.eminproject.com/

About Mekong Club

The Mekong Club is a catalyst for change — engaging, inspiring and supporting the private sector to eradicate modern slavery from their business. With 25 million victims — 62% of the total — trapped in forced labour, companies are ideally placed to help turn the tide of this global epidemic. The Mekong Club run a 32-member strong anti-slavery business association and has to date trained over 8,000 organisations and delivered over 15 innovative tools such as a multi-language e-learning, interactive maps, smartphone apps, and more. www.themekongclub.org

About Verifik8

Verifik8 is a compliance service company that offers a monitoring and verification software tools, connecting producers and buyers to de-risk operations and build trust across agriculture and aquaculture supply chains. We believe employers are the primary driver of change. Therefore, Verifik8 created an industry solution for an inclusive data ecosystem and responsible supply chains, enabling for a race to the top.



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