The Time Has Come for MedTech Companies to Adopt Value-based Healthcare

Dr. Rami Radwan- DIGIPHARM Clinician Relations

2 min readJul 20, 2018


This week saw the annual conference of the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland take place in Birmingham, UK. It is an international surgical event attended by all specialities of healthcare professionals focused on delivering the very best care for their patients. It is also an event that attracts the very best in MedTech companies from across the world. It was a pleasure to attend not only as a surgeon myself, but as a proud member of the DIGIPHARM team.

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Operating on these patients is not only costly, but technically challenging. To help with these challenges, laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery with the use of specially designed surgical devices has seen considerable growth over the last 30 years. It is for this reason that coloproctology as a speciality remains at the forefront of medical device manufacturers and their products.

The healthcare cost crisis is only getting worse. Whether you live in a country that provides free for all healthcare like the UK, or an insurance-based privatised system like the USA — this growing trend is not financially sustainable. The state of the art surgical devices that MedTech companies continue to produce may soon become unaffordable to many healthcare providers and patients. The time has now come for these companies to adopt a value-based strategy. Although some have already begun to embrace the idea, a lot of uncertainty remains as to just how a value-based approach can be implemented on a global scale.

We at DIGIPHARM want to be pioneers in this field and help MedTech companies bridge the gap between their conventional business models and value-based outcome strategies. By providing a means of obtaining real world evidence, the success of their devices can be continually monitored and scrutinized on a patient by patient basis. Once such a system is in place, healthcare providers will be well positioned to not only pay for the devices that are manufactured, but also the outcomes that they promise to deliver.

Dr. Rami Radwan

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