“road between brown and black high-rise buildings” by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Smart Cities Could Be Security Disasters

Christian Stewart ✔️


Anyone vaguely familiar with the recent trends in tech has likely noticed the connectivity of everything. Nearly every household appliance is available in a “smart” version — or one that tracks and learns how you use it.

While most people wouldn’t be concerned if someone was able to access their dish washing habits, it’s the bigger story that all this behavioral data tells, and the compromised private information, that is concerning.

What is The Internet of Things?

The internet of things means basically any electronic device being connected to the internet. These connections report data gathered from embedded sensors, actuators, or other devices that collect or transmit information. The data gathered from these smart devices can then be applied to optimize products, services, and massive operations.

Likely the biggest advancement in IoT has been the addition of internet to cellphones. This change allows for more data and information on the go, which gives users access to their network of “things” without a computer. More recently though is the addition of internet capabilities to coffee makers, light bulbs, a variety of wearables, and other smart home devices.

Forbes shares this scenario:

“Say for example you are on your way to…

