Mountain Biking First Aid Tips

Digit Insurance
Eat Breathe Explore
3 min readJul 12, 2019

Trail bicycle runs sans the cuts and bruises, tumbles and falls is no fun at all!

After all, mountain biking or trail biking is all about unleashing the adrenalin rush within and pushing the limits- exploring the unexplored and expecting the unexpected! At the end of the day, every small scratch has a story to tell, just adding to your adventure chronicles. Let’s face it if you were really worried about ‘injury’ you’d rather sit on your couch and watch television than mount on your bicycle on these untamed roads.

That said, there are couple of precautions and first aid you must take in case of any unforeseen injury. You may be rough ’n’ tough, but you are not a fictitious superhero after all.

Here’s where the importance of carrying an emergency first aid kit comes in. You must ensure that the first aid kit carries all the essentials needed to treat yourself in case you sustain an injury on your mountain biking trip, God forbid!

Top 7 first-aid essentials for your mountain biking trip:

#1 Band-aids, bandages and cotton

#2 Antiseptic liquids and creams

#3 Painkillers

#4 Pain relief sprays and creams

#5 Anti-allergy creams

#6 The likes of a ‘Swiss Knife’ with multiple uses such as tweezers, scissors et al.

#7 A means of contact- Mobile phone, Walky-talky or even a Whistle

4 most common injuries

These are the injuries cyclists are most prone to during mountain biking. Fingers crossed you don’t have to face any though!

#1 Cuts, Bruises & Sprains

Probably the most common injury(s) during mountain biking. Since you are tackling uneven terrain, it’s not uncommon to ‘come off’ your bicycle over some loose gravel and hurt yourself. Since trials, run through untamed nature, getting bruises and cuts from protruding tree branches and thorny bushes is also pretty common. And here’s where your band-aids, antiseptics, and painkillers come in handy.

#2 Insect bites and stings

You wouldn’t fancy a sting from that stray bee, would you? But like always, expect the unexpected during your mountain trail run. In case of a sting, stuck in your skin, use the tweezers from your ‘Swiss Knife’ to remove it. In case of any rash or irritation caused by poisonous plants or bushes, use an anti-allergy cream and antiseptic.

#3 Excessive Bleeding

Not too common, but if you do happen to get a deep cut during a bicycle fall, ensure that you first clean the wound thoroughly with antiseptic to remove any mud or dirt lodged in the wound. Apply an antiseptic cream and tie a tight bandage over the wound to reduce the bleeding from the injury. Waste no time in getting proper medical help at the earliest.

#4 Head Injury

This is the last injury you want to deal with on your mountain biking trip. God forbid! Which is why, as a thumb rule, ‘Always, always wear a helmet while on a bicycle’, it’s like a seat belt while driving a car! Do not compromise on investing in a good quality bicycle helmet, though they may be a little expensive, they are a lifesaver. Literally! Even with a good bicycle helmet, though a head injury is quite unlikely, you could bump your head and get an impact wound. In the case of such an event, sit by the side of the trail and wait for a while. As far as you have no nausea or dizziness, you are fine. If not, seek immediate medical help for your injury, and do not carry on bicycle riding!

We highly recommend that you take a crash course in first-aid before you set out on a mountain biking adventure.

And the other thing that we recommend is Bicycle Insurance, it covers you for

  • Emergency Accidental Hospitalization
  • Personal Accidents

Now, go ahead and let the adrenalin rush kick and take on the challenge of every trial. Head on!

To read the original version of this piece, click here.

