right information. right hands. right time.



MOSAICO digital workforce is equipped with a set of digital competences, in the sense of the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and strategies, that are required when we are using Information and Communications Technology and digital media.

MiREPORT is #iDO skill part of MOSAICO workforce that integrates a reporting system which collects information coming from the assets.

Reports can be automatically or manually generated and then distributed in order to be consulted, printed and analyzed. Reports can deliver production and performance information of the process, insight about data analytics for each app integrated in the platform and summarize the top events occurred in the considered period.

Information are displayed with infographics or with tables, bars, pies, charts to give immediately an idea of the efficiency of the process.


A new suite of applications core technologies that improve the most important functions of your User experience. Navigate, organize, and edit your activities like never before with new features in the Mi-Apps suite of applications, it’s all central to today’s MOSAICO experience.

Get MOSAICO Mobile Apps clicking here from your device!

MOSAICO: right information. right time. right hands.



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DIG:ITA is a digital & IIoT powerhouse delivering the most complete solution for risk-free digital transformations.