Submit your Medium story to Digital 360

Digital 360
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2020

Submissions OPEN!

Digital 360 is a hub of all the latest and most relevant Digital Marketing content: from how-to’s to case studies, best practices, insights and stats.

Our aim is to build a collection of Digital Marketing must-reads and an ongoing source of inspiration and research for every marketer.

Want to help us? Great!

How to submit your Medium story do Digital 360

What We’re Looking For

Our first requirement is that you have personal expertise in the area that you’re addressing. At Digital 360 we only publish trustworthy stories.

We mainly publish Marketing case studies, Digital Marketing tutorials (from social media to advertising), data analysis for marketers, resources and tools for marketers, how-to’s, best practices and insights and stories about how to work better (from productivity to self-care and work-life balance). We also love to hear about success stories that share tips and tools on how to achieve great results — so feel free to share them with us!

We both accept drafts and already published articles — please note: if you’re already a writer for Digital 360, you should submit your articles right on Medium (no need to do it via the form).

Please keep in mind the following:

  • We’re looking for focused, well-developed stories with a solid structure and a clear point
  • Avoid sending us a story with typos or grammatical mistakes (make sure you edit and revise before submitting)
  • Use appropriate tags
  • We don’t accept stories that serve no purpose other than to advertise a third-party product (avoid CTAs at the bottom of your article and don’t do clap requests).

How to submit

Please fill out the form below:

Our goal is to give feedback to every submission as quick as possible. If we don’t get back to you within 48 hours (from the moment you submit), please consider your story not accepted this time. Don’t let this discourage you from submitting your future drafts, though!

We look forward to seeing your work, and if you have any questions, just leave a response below. Thanks and have fun writing for Digital 360!

